
Tell me everything you know about Peru?

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2)What the oceans like?

3)Things to do?


Thanks >:D




  1. Have A Great Trip!!!!


  3. 1. Safety

    This is a big issue.  The country is currently relatively safe.  There is crime in the big cities and in touristy areas.  You will probably be fine on your trip if you keep your wits about you.  Only take marked taxis; don't stay out all night; don't drink in excess unless you're in your hostel or hotel; don't wear flashy clothes and do wear a money belt.  Oh, and don't work with people on the streets who tell you they'll give you a good deal on a touristy something; most are crooks, even if some are honest guys.  There are plenty of legit companies with actual storefront offices and you'll save yourself time, energy and money if you just work with them.

    There is an isuisue with worker's strikes.  Transportation can be almost entirely stopped in the country during such a strike.  Strikes can be violent; people do die.  A bus flipped while I was there last summer and killed 20 people.  However, they're generally not trying to target tourists, so you'll probably be okay.

    Once again, just be smart and don't take unnecessary risks.  If you've heard it's bad somewhere, don't go that way.

    2. Wonderful!  Some of the best surfing in the world.

    3. Peru has almost all of the world's climate types.  You have the Andes Mountains, the Amazon Rainforest, there's a dessert, Machu Picchu, etc.

    I recommend:

    A brief visit in Lima. Worth seeing and there's some good shopping - especially if you're looking for fine silver - but not where you want to spend the majority of your time.

    Cuzco: tons of Incan ruins, the jumping off point to Machu Picchu, quintessential Andean culture, it's awesome.

    Puno: Jumping off point to Lake Titicaca.  It's worth it to spend the money (and it's very cheap really) to stay the night on an island with natives on the Lake.  It's also very cool to see the floating islands.

    Arequipa: Beautiful Spanish colonial city.  You can check out the flight of the condors.  Good shopping.

    Nazca Lines: They're basically these Indian ruins in the dessert that no one can explain.  They're huge and look like animals and objects from the sky, but from the ground you can't tell that they look like anything.  So why would ancient Peruvians build something that can only be seen from an airplane?  Science fiction lovers love it.

    Iquitos/Madre de Dios/Other Amazony areas: You'll be cool for the rest of your life if you can tell the story of how you caught a piranha in the Amazon rainforest.

    4) Eat Everything.  Fruits and veggies in Peru are huge.  A kernel of corn is the bigger than a whole piece of baby corn in the US; it's amazing.  Everything is just bigger and better there.  Don't shy away from eating guinea pig (cuy), llama, and alpaca.  They know how to cook it right.

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