
Tell me everything you know about football!!?

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i really am getting into football lately. But i need to know everything about it because it's kinda hard to understand, so thank you for helping me out




  1. I suggest you spend some time on the message boards for NFL football teams located in the yahoo sports section. Look under teams.

  2. The greatest game in the world.  Your best bet is to go to and check out the websites at the bottom of the page along with sites like

  3. it's a ballgame played by overage childern who get paid overpriced wages to play a kids game...They make more in 1 yr than anyone of us do in a lifetime then have the nerve to complain when they get cut...give me a break...

  4. I love you Geroge B

    Just read up on it, wikipeida minus the history c**p is great.

  5. Ok, go to a library, and read up on it.


    Do a google search on it.


    Go to and read up on everything it provides and links within the page.  

    Good luck, I personally hate football, really annoying sport especially when they always freeze the clock when it's about to end.

  6. U will now now going to take a great knowledge abt football

    from me

    1)It is played in a small room.(8 feet X 8 feet)

    2)each team contains 125 players

    3)each player has a  tough wooden stick ,sometime may be iron rod

    4)Lights of room are kept swicthed off

    5)They beat each for  3 days or untill no voice from room

    6)Main and important rule:No team actually wins in this match.

    7)At the end of the match umpires come and burry the playes

    If u want to play mail me

  7. -11 men from each team are on the field at the time

    -there is a quarterback, runningback, mostly 2 wide recievers, a tight end and 5 offensive lineman who block on offense

    -on defense you have 2 defensive ends, 2 tackles, 2 outside linebackers, a middle linebacker, mostly 2 corner backs, a free safety and a strong safety

    -the touchdown is worth 6 points, the extra point after a touchdown is 1 point...a field goal is 3 points, a safety is 2 points, a 2 point conversion is obviously 2 points.

    -there is 32 teams in the NFL, split into two conferences the AFC and NFC.

    --the Patriots win everything and i'm sick of it

    -the Falcons, Dolphins and Texans suck bad

  8. its played in nine innings in which both teams hit and defend,  is played in a diamond shaped field and hitting the ball out of the diamond shaped field is considered a "homerun"

  9. Football players ARE HOT !!! thats the only thing I know about football

  10. I can't tell you everything I know, because it'd be way too long and I'm not patient enough to type it all out for however long it would take.

    The best way to learn about it is to first understand what the object of the game is and how it's scored.  After that, it's best to learn what the player's positions are, and what they are supposed to do in them.  (ex: the quarterback throws the ball, and offensive lineman protects the QB, etc.)

    Points are earned, pretty much, in one of two ways.  Either the offensive team can kick the ball between the goal posts for a three-point field goal, or they can score a touch down for six points.  After a touch down, the team has a chance to score again for one or two points.  They can kick another field goal (for one point if successful) or they can try for a conversion, which is like going for another touch down, for two points.  In both circumstances the ball is placed at the three yard line.  Field goals are attempted more often than conversions because they are less risky.

    There are too many playing positions to list them all, but wikipedia has a nice article that might help.

    and football in general:

  11. You sound like my girl, i could tell you everything I know but if you don't know anything it might be too abstract for you to understand.  I sat down with my girl and on a piece of paper i drew her the basic offensive and defensive formations to teach her the names of the positions of each player and there basic responsibilities.  it helped her a lot cut the game can be complex with all rules.  watch plenty of Football on saturdays and sundays and eventually it will come to you

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