
Tell me how to drive Manual Transmittion/Stick Shift.?

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Tell me how to drive Manual Transmittion/Stick Shift.?




  1. push on the gas pedal and let out the clutch

  2. Use the clutch...There you go. Now you know how to drive Manual :)

  3. Make sure the parking brake is engaged and the car is on a flat surface in an area where you have plenty of room.

    Press down on the clutch pedal and then move the gearshift into the neutral position.

    Start the car.

    Keeping the clutch pedal down, put the car into first gear by moving the gearshift to the top-left position.

    Apply the foot brake and release the parking brake.

    Release the foot brake when you're ready to start moving.

    Begin to release the clutch pedal slowly; when you hear or feel the engine begin to slow down, slowly press down on the gas pedal as you continue to release the clutch. The car will start to move forward.

    Accelerate until the car has reached about 3,000 rpm, then take your foot off the gas, press down on the clutch pedal, and pull the gearshift directly down through neutral to second gear. Be sure to pull the gearshift down until it can't go any farther.

    Release the clutch pedal gently, simultaneously pressing down gently on the gas pedal.

    Repeat the shifting process each time you hit 3,000 rpm until you're driving at the appropriate speed. (Third gear is up and to the right; fourth gear is all the way down from there; fifth gear is up to neutral, right and then up again.)

    Downshift by releasing the gas pedal when you want to decrease your speed. Press down on the clutch and move the gearshift through neutral into the next-lower gear (move down only 1 gear at a time). Once you're in the lower gear, release the clutch slowly and brake as you do so.

    Stop the car by downshifting to second gear and applying the brakes. Apply the clutch just before the car stops. Don't downshift into first.

  4. Have an experienced driver drive the car to a dead parking lot. Begin by making sure that the parking brake is disengaged. Now push in the clutch and put the stick in 1st gear. let the clutch out until the clutch plates start grabbing (the car will start to roll forward a little bit). Do this until you can feel where the clutch starts engaging. once you can feel where the clutch starts engaging let out until the clutch plates just barely start grabbing, next squeeze the gas pedal a little and SLOWLY let the clutch out all the way. You will now be rolling forward in 1st gear, if you press the gas pedal the revs will climb. Once the revs are close to 3000 RPM do this. take your foot off the gas, push in the clutch, move the stick to 2nd gear, let the clutch out smoothly and squeeze the gas pedal. Repeat this anytime you want to upshift. If you want to downshift, hold the brakes until the engine comes down to about 2000 RPM and do this. Take your foot off the brakes, push in the clutch, move the stick to the next lowest gear, let the clutch out. If traffic is slowing quickly don't try to downshift through all the gears when you first start. Instead just hold the clutch on the floor and use the brakes to bring the car to a stop. If you don't come to a complete stop go by this. If you are under about 20 MPH let off on 2nd gear (most cars will hold 2nd gear on even a crawling speed). Above 20 MPH let off on 3rd Gear. Here are some general speed guidelines for the gears.

    1st 1-12 MPH

    2nd 10-22 MPH

    3rd 20-30 MPH

    4th 30-45 MPH

    5th 45+ MPH

    These speeds will work with most cars. When trying to learn this remember that practice makes perfect and you can't become butter smooth with it unless you drive it everywhere.

    This can't be a weekend only project. It has to be something you work on everyday. Remember that your left foot should not even remotely be grazing the clutch pedal unless you are changing the gears, failure to follow this rule is known as riding the clutch and it will cause the clutch to BURN. That clutch is nothing cheap to have replaced so don't ride the clutch even if you are nervous. Please make sure you have an experienced driver with you until you are comfortable on your own.

  5. Really easy. Start vehicle with clutch pushed in. Slowly release the clutch about 4 inches or so with the stick in the 1st gear position; the vehicle should start to roll. Press clutch all the way in again and shift to 2nd gear. Now release the clutch quickly while applying more gas slowly. Car will accelerate to about 25mph/or 35000rpm. Press clutch in and shift stick to 3rd, then release clutch quickly. Rpm will drop to around 2000 but vehicle will be going about 30-35mph. As rpms reach 35000 again repeat and move gear into 4th. Repeat this through all the gears till you cant anymore (usually 4th or 5th gear-6th in some sports models). Two important hints are one-if ya get confused or going too fast simply push in clutch (this will stop acceleration) THEN press on brakes. Do it in this order or you WILL stall. Secondly- if you come to a complete stop push in clutch and start process back over in 1st gear. However, if you merely come to a near stop and are still rolling go down to 2nd gear. Good luck and be careful!

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