
Tell me how to get a license.I am suspended for a long time.I want to change my name or something.?

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Tell me how to get a license.I am suspended for a long time.I want to change my name or something.?




  1. answered this one when you asked it before YOU CANNOT GET ONE EVEN IF YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME!  No matter how you ask it the answer will be the same.

  2. Can't legally be done

  3. Why do you even need  a liscense? Just go get yourself a nice red wagon! And get someone to pull ya places. My good ol pal Matt pulls me everywhere. I pay him, and it's cheaper than gas!!! He pulls me to... the mall, the park, my job at the library... even to school!! (He likes it cuz it keeps up his muscles!) So, yeah. Go get yourself a nice red wagon.

    You can get those plush dice to hang on the rear view mirror that doesn't exist (or you can just put them on the handle...)

            (Believe me, it works!)

  4. If your license is suspended then you have to call DMV and ask them what to do to get your license back.

    Do you really think that  you're the first person to come up with the brilliant  plan of changing your name to try and get your license back?  Seems to me, that DMV  has seen that stunt (and a few others) before.

  5. stop doing whatever it is that gets your license suspended!!!

  6. you can't do it

  7. Changing your name won't work.  You have to wait out your suspension.

  8. Asking it twice won't change the answers you are getting.  As I said...

    You are kidding right? I mean no one really believes you will cease to be you if you change your name.

    How can you get a license? By fixing whatever the reason is you can't get one. Pay the tickets, attend the classes, appear in court as ordered, or whatever.

  9. The charges you'd get from that wouldn't be worth it, bro. My brother is doing 8 years for trying to change his name.

  10. You are obviously suspended for a reason.Are you wanting to change your name so you can get a license now and not pay a bunch of money on a fine you owe? Trust me- running from anything never solves anything.If you did something to get your license suspended, and got a fine for it- grit your teeth-face up to the situation-and get things straightened out-THE RIGHT WAY.You'll feel much better in the long run.Good luck...

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