
Tell me.. if I am seeing a Scorpio man only once a week..why bother staying exclusive with him?

by  |  earlier

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I mean I used to see him 5 days out of the week.. but lately he is too tired to drive to see me & he used to call every night, but now he calls about every three days or so. Could this scorpio men be testing my patience?




  1. Well before you jump to conclusions, perhaps you should find out if he in fact, really is working as much as he say he is.  Do a little investigating before you dump him ya know? It sounds like he may be trying to sneak around with others but you never know.  If you have that woman's intuition, listen to it, but don't fly off the handle right away.  And I do say spend a little more time away from him anyway.  You don't need a man around all the d**n time. Thats annoying

  2. you should stay exclusive with him only if you want a future with him. Next time he calls, you blow him off.  That will throw him off.  Scorpios have the tendency to take women for granted.  So the best way to get what you want is to present a challenge to him, not be so accessible to him.   what is your sign? that would help LOTS

  3. relationship patterns change during relationships, ya know.......but they should be discussed before any adjustments are made (so that both are aware and agree)....

    you've known each other for a don't stay in the "honeymoon" period forever ya know.....

    if anything, if you still want to stay in the relationship, find other ways to occupy your time (if he has more going on than you do--at the time), but you should both make the effort to do something romantic/special ever once in a while (how often that is should be determined by you two alone).

  4. he's being a man :)  and he is a scorpio man . . he needs his SPACE. he has other priorities & passions . . . career etc. you are quite clingy & needy if u want him to call and see u every day . . & respond fast to ur messages. be clingy & needy and u will smother & lose him eventually

    have a life of ur own . . spend time with ur friends, have other interests . . . be independent. & u won't feel like seeing him & hearing from him every day. he will love u more for that

    he still calls u often. . .so feel happy that he still thinks about u. give him space. when he says he's tired or sick, believe him. he's not testing ur patience . . u are testing his, if u demand for more

    i don't know how strong ur relationship is, but if u feel that something is not right . . seek for answers. if he is still treating u well and care about u and shows his love whenever u get together. . .worry not

    ~virgo with scorpio man

  5. I hate to break it to you . . . .. But your scorpio is doiong what every other 11 male signs of the Zodiac do when they'er "too tired to drive and see you " or when they dont "call as much as they used to".  He's out there mingling with other girls. Sweet heart . . .. dont be so naive. You know exactly whats going on . I had a libra guy do the same thing to me a while back . .. Just do what I did .. .Go grab a Leo.

  6. ~Well, you might want to consider what he will do to you if he catches you doing what he's been doing on those nights he's "too tired" to see you.  On the other hand, if he's doing it right, he WILL be too tired to catch you.

    Testing your patience?  Nah.  Just playing on your naivete.  You got yourself a winner, honey.  Hang on REAL tight.  But if you tie the knot, keep the lawyer's number by the phone.  Or, as Steve Stills put it, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."
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