
Tell me if i am overreacting, please....?

by  |  earlier

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well the story is kinda long

I work at a law firm as a secretary along with another girl. You could say that this other girl is my boss favorite . He is always telling her that he would be so lost without her and that makes me feel like I am just there for no good reason. Al the very big projects he always gives to her and I always get stuck doing those minimal bull**** jobs. Couple of days ago my boss (who is a workaholic to the core) went under minor surgery and he is now resting at his house which is about 2 hours away from the office. So he calls a couple of hours ago and he wants me to hop on a freaking bus to go deliver some stupid documents to his house just because he is bored and there is nothing to do. Now why me? How the h**l did I end up being his stupid messenger girl? Why not the other one girl, I mean she is his favorite, what she’s too good to do all the stuff I do or what?

I guess what I am saying is should I be more considerate and just go or am I right?




  1. I am sorry for u .But partiality is very,very common in offices.Leave it. Just do ur best ,never care about others


  2. dont mix emotions with your boss. its work and hes not your boyfriend so you're not supposed to take it seriously even if he is being annoying. thats why its called a job.  

  3. Stop being childish is the best thing you can do. Your thoughts and feelings are probably showing through your actions.

  4. well sometimes work is doing also the undesirable things.. Like this.. You couls go by a cab and ask the company to give you the money for it.. That is more ok than going with the bus.. perhaps that is why he wants you to go.. you don't have anything better to do, she's the one handling more important stuff.. in his mind

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