
Tell me if this team can win with a championship?

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as they say offense wins games but defense wins championships

Marcus Camby

Shane Battier

Ron Artest

Kobe Bryant

Marco Jaric


Anthony Carter

Sasha Vujacic

Reggie Evans

Ricky Davis

Rudy g*y

Chris Mihm

Leon Powe

Anderson Varejao




  1. no.

  2. marco jaric lol. id say varejao is a better point guard lol

  3. I think its a toss up. I think they need one more All Star caliber player.

  4. not a chance

  5. dude, battier as a starting pf puts this team in a disadvantage in terms of size and power. teams with 2 post players as starters, like the pistons (sheed, dyes), lakers (gasol and bynum), suns (amare and shaq), will have more than enough inside points because of battier playing the pf spot. and even if you'd star guys like mihm, varejao and evans, the outcome would be the same. what i do like about this team is the fact that it has 4 defensive players (1 on the paint and 3 on the perimeter). teams that has 2 scoring guards or forwards, pistons billups and hamilton and prince, celtics' pierce and allen, spurs' manu and parker, would simply not become a problem for this team. even the bench guards and sf's are good. having vujacic, rudy g*y and battier (if ever he becomes a bench player), simply adds firepower to this team.

    overall, i'd say this team has a chance in winning an NBA title.

  6. Interesting Picks but I Just Don't See This Team Going All The Way

    Anybody With A Dominant Center Or Power Forward Would Kill Them

  7. Camby,Battier, and Artest all great defenders, and Rudy g*y comming off the bench...They certaintly have the talent to win a championship

  8. Maybe. They don't really have anyone that can dominate the paint though.

  9. take away Jaric

  10. no. Artest and bryant is not compatible on court

  11. looks good. camby and varejao however will not dominate. pistons and spurs would find a way to defeat this team. not to mention the celtics and the lakers ( with kobe clone ). in fact i think houston rockets is probably better if not just equal than that team.

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