
Tell me more about blank DVD's, such as DVD-RW,DVD-R, 18x, 4x?

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I want to burn my episode movies to watch in my dvd player. But there is so many types, I saw dvd-rw, dvd-r, dvd+R, dvd+R dual layer and so on, it confuse me. Can anyone tell me more about it and why some of them are 18x, 16x, or even 4x, etc.




  1. to burn  dvds use dvd-r the 18x is the speed of your drive dvd-rw is for burning an erasing

  2. Hi Vivi,

    The DVD+R and DVD-R are competing formats much like the old VHS and Beta formats in video tapes. Today most drives are Hybrid and handle both formats. They are usually labeled DVD+/-R

    The market for recordable DVD technology never settled down in favor of either the plus or dash formats, which is mostly the result of the increasing numbers of dual-format devices that can record to both formats; it has become very difficult to find new devices that can only record to one of the formats. However, because the DVD-R format has been in use since 1997, it has had a five-year lead on DVD+R. As such, older or cheaper DVD players (up to 2004 vintage) are more likely to favor the DVD-R standard exclusively, and when creating DVD’s for distribution (where the playing unit is unknown or older) the DVD-R format would normally be preferable.

    The dual layer records on two levels so you get about twice the space - 8.5 Gb vs 4,7Gb for a single layer. Your DVD recorder must be capable of using dual layer media. It would be labeled DVD +/-R-DL

    My personal experience has led me towards using the +R over the -R (dash R). It is slightly better at error handling so more tolerant of dirty or damaged media and also more tolerant to the subtle differences between players.


  3. What type of burner do you have,, you need to buy the media that your burner will do , but most are both now anyways , I personally use dvd-r ,seems to work best for me and all my players , most compatible for dvd players.When it says 18x that is how fast to burn it,, takes a long time to convert and do dvds.

  4. DVR-R is only a readable DVD .. DVD RW - is a readable/writeable DVD.  Readable only is ok for movies because it does not allow for more than one recording on that DVD.  Readable Writeable DVD's are for people who want to use them over and over, such as ... backing up computer files, etc.  Hope this helps!

  5. 18 x 16x or even 4x is the speed at WHICH you dvd burner will burn/make the movie!!

    I'm gonna cut and paste the next few lines... BUT I can tell you

    if you can "book Type" to dvd-rom (meaning you can take a DVD+R and fool MOST dvd players it is INDEED a DVD-ROM (like movies that come from the store.. btw some DVD+RW's can fool some, but not most!)

    MANY MANY.. player will NOT play DVD-R because they are NOT programed to do so.. they are VERY popular with the average joe-burner-priate. BUT like I said MANY (esp those older tham 2 years WILL NOT ACCEPT the -r formats!)

    This is from super media store...:

    Digital Versatile/Video Disc, also known as DVD, has broken into the market as the one media to own all media. With almost 7x the capacity of a CD, DVDs provide better quality video and audio in addition to advanced menu systems. For consumers, DVD R and DVD RW media are available for recording audio, video, and data. DVD Recordables comes in two formats: DVD-R and DVD+R. Similarly, DVD ReWritables comes in DVD-RW and DVD+RW. DVD Duplicators can meet your various needs for burning DVDs in large volume.

    The DVD-R and DVD+R discs have similar compatibility and quality. According to, DVD-R has a slightly better compatibility with DVD players and DVD-ROMs, while DVD+R has advanced operational and editing capabilities. While older drives might encounter problems with a specific format, most modern drives can write in almost any DVD format. (honestly.. older player reject the - r format!)

    The dvd+r (formated to dvd-rom to fool the player it's the "real deal") is the way to go!

    I have 500+ to prove the point. (I've trashed 250 so dvd-r, actually I gave them to people and told them they work great ina computer.. and they do... it's NOT for me I learned about 250 disk later).

    If you will go to and REALLY do your home work... you'll see. Also and READ the difference in the +r and plus -r media you'll see what that means.

    ALSO.. DVD DL (plus or minus most are +r) is just this... MOST normal DVD's will record 4.7 gig of data or 120 minutes of video... a DL (duel layer) will make double THAT! But you have to have a player that will burn DL disk.. and most will not.. but they are cheaper today then ever! I got mine for $29 from New Egg.. and it ROCKS!

    Don't rush! I learned the HARD way! Take your time... video help it one of the best places to learn.. and  DVDFAB has been my "God-Send".

    Read, learn, ASK  QUESTIONS! They won't get made at you.. they held my hand all the way... you'll see a great difference between what is and what CAN BE!


    Good Luck!


    PS. DON't BELIEVE the hype!.. MOST RW types (+r or - r) will NOT work in MOST commerical players! Read the boxes.. lasy year I took back 3 players until I found an "ALL Format" player that will play anything I put into it.. +r - r any region dvd's (It means dvd's from other countrys), conputer disk.. etc... LOOK, you can find them easy!!!)

  6. go to this website

    p.s they were made in china

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