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whos kaylee anthony

i know she is a girl who is missing or who went missing

ive tried to find out info on the internet but nothin.

whats happened

have they arrested anyone

what did they do to her

etc etc etc





  1. just type in her name, i found out all kinds info except why they waited a week to call police

  2. Its Caylee Anthony

    Check your spelling

  3. She waited a month to report her 3 year old missing.

    More than likely she has killed the child.  

  4. Its easy! The mother is in jail because she sold her baby and to be quite honest with you I'm tired of hearing about it!


    seems a bit sad to me -- her family I mean.

  6. Caylee is a 2 year old child, missing since June of Florida..her mother failed to report her missing at the start, a month later the grandparents reported her can try Foxnews..CNN..Nancy Grace, etc online or on TV..about this case


  8. This story is on Nancy Grace every night. Caylee's mom, is in jail charged with child neglect and something like obstruction of justice. She claims the babysitter took her and says she thinks she'll be back by Aug 9 (her 3rd birthday). Casey (the mom) has been telling lie after lie to everyone she talks to. Many believe the baby is dead, but no body has been discovered. You can read about it on CNN news. Nancy Grace is on at 10pm. There's a guest host tonight but it's still about Caylee.

  9. The police think (and it sounds like it to me) that the mother did something to the little girl, and she is now lying (very badly) to get away with it. Go to Fox News, they have tons of information on it. Just type in Casey Anthony

  10. The girl's name is spelled with a C.  Caylee.  Google her name or watch FOX news.  

  11. i just saw an online site

    read about it

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