
Tell me my futuer right know i am putting lots of efferts in my work but not getting the right output?

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Tell me my futuer right know i am putting lots of efferts in my work but not getting the right output?




  1. I see a long life of hard work and no output. If you want to change the outcome, change whatever it is you are doing that doesn't work.

  2. Hi dear,

    There is nothing wrong in not getting out put, as far you know you have given 100 %, have you ?

    it is not in your hands to show output what others want..but if you feel that you are not putting right kind of efforts you really want to put then you have to work on it..

    as far as not doing good in schools can lead to anything like a burgalar a thief a serial killer..but people doing good in school can also do that..

    it is up to you but always be positive in life...never feel rejected because this system makes you feel that...

    if you are rejected then you will become a slave of anybody and most of your life you will be a labour who will do physical work than something technical..

    but it i up to you to decide if you like your work or no , no matter what you do !!

    good luck for your life...

  3. Your future: death

    ... at some point in time

  4. Success follows when one discovers ‘strengths’ and plays it up rather than attempting to remove weaknesses and covert them into strengths.

    Discover what you like and what you do best, and you will emerge the winner.

  5. laptops resources & information

  6. I don't know what the future is, I don't know what program language you are using.  I do know I can't help without some more info

  7. if you cannot spell 'future', I see no future for you!

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