
Tell me.....?

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Ok folks! It's now time for one of my questions, that is soley for fun and a good 2 point. And per normal the funniest one wins.

What is the funniest quirk that your horse/horses have?

My horse is a freaking apple fiend! But she will only eat them if they are sliced. Yes. She will turn up her nose at a whole apple, but the second I pull out my knife she starts knikering and sniffing, waiting for the slice. Once I give it to her she holds in her jaws and sucks it. Like a jolly rancher. And you have to wait untill she is done to give her another. Also if I start singing and I am riding her she will start bucking. Nothing seriose but enough to let me know to stop. Haha. Now your turn. The funniest horse quirk wins Y'all!




  1. I worked with a horse named Moose in Colorado who would ALWAYS untie himself and then walk down the line of other tied horses and proceed to untie them as well.

    Right now I am at a place and we have this horse named Elfie, he has SMS (small man syndrome).  He is a b*****d with those know-it-all riders, but then you put a terrified, little tiny beginner on him and he is an angel...too funny.

    Also know two haflingers, Bert and Ernie that will groom each others hocks and fetlocks...really weird but cute.

  2. Not sure if my internet connection is going to last but I'm gonna try:

    My gelding sticks out his tongue to ask for treats.  I can grab on to it and waggle it too!  If he knows I have treats in my pockets he will 'mug' me by l*****g my face...neck...l*****g my arms and hands.  No biting...just licks like a dog.

    When he was a stallion he was a nipper so I trained him to stick out the tongue instead of the teeth. :)

    It worked!

    He will open up buckets too.  If he knows there is food he can pry those snap down lids off in a heartbeat.

    Someone mentioned this already:  He will hold water in his mouth and seek you out to open up and let it rain on your head. He's not like my mare that just does it by chance.  He actually enjoys it.  His eyes dilate in glee after he douses ya.

    When he wants my attention he will 'huff' into my ear.

    ex.  I was bending over on the opposite side of the panel to soak some alfalfa.  All of the sudden I hear this huffing right in my ear.  I look over and there is Phantom...his head sideways through the panel, he's down on one knee....huffing to get my attention.  He wants an alfalfa cube.  I'd give him one and then turn to mix the cubes again.  AGAIN I hear a "hufffff". I look and nose to nose with Phantom again. :)  

    such a cutie

    He avoids water and mud like it's the plague.   Sprung into the air at a stand still to avoid a puddle that was only 2 ft wide.  Big baby.

    He will also trot ahead of you and stop..back up quickly into you.  He wants his butt rubbed :)

    When he wants to go out into the big pasture he will stare at the house.  I will come out and say "what ya want?" and he will nicker then look at the pasture gate.

    My mare:

    She will seek you out for rubs.  She will actually step up next to you and spread her hind legs.  She loves her udder rubbed.  People driving by must think some naughty thoughts though. haha

    Once my mare is given the 'ok' she will use us as a scratching post.  Rubs her head all over (after taking her mask off) and then slide up and down along us like she's a cat.

    She only does this if we invite her in though.  

    Both horses knock on the back door when they want me to come out and give treats or to hang out with them.

    My filly is just "normal"

  3. i think the funniest horse i work with would be rattbag (the right name to name him) he will take a drink and hold it for like an hour in his mouth till you forget and dribble it all down your back (or some other poor person)

    he also knows how to untie himself and will untie others so they can all go (they can be his cover), but you usually find him in the feed room undoing the mollasses bucket lid, he used to work out if you catch him early (before he starts drinking the mollasses) he would dunk his whole muzzle in up to his halter and trot out of the room, that way he can stand in the yard l*****g his lips very happy

    also he would go into the smoko room and eat your biscuts or lunch whatever would take his fancy (you'd come back in from the arena about to go in for lunch but you cant get in the door cause a big horsey butt is in your way

    we also had a shetland pony ekco, he used to climb under the rails by the water trough to escape the yard and you wouldnt be able to catch him without mints or sweetfeed, he would just look at you and smile toss his head and make a run for it

  4. When I was a kid I used to hide my lunch which was in a drawstring leather purse in my old mare's feeder.  One day I went to get my lunch and found the bag open, my sandwich (Ham) gone, my slice of cake eaten and my oranges "squished" of all it's juice.

    I told my mom about it because I came home starving and she laughed it off and the next day I took my lunch with me to the barn, hid it again in my mare's stall and come lunch time, it was eaten AGAIN!

    My mom said in no uncertain terms that horses did not eat meat so it must have been some other critter, but to prove her point she came out to the barn the next day and in one hand had lettuce and bread, in the other a slice of ham.

    My old mare went after the ham!  My mom said it was probably the salt she went after.  But in the years that followed, the old gal we found LOVE pepperoni, but didn't do Chinese chicken.  IF given a chance she'd STILL raid my lunch!

  5. Polly used to tip over my son's can of soda and drink it off the picnic table at shows.

    Moon rides with her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.  He son does it also.

    Moon also used to look like she was going to sleep while loping on the lunge line.

    Maria was a babysitter.  When my daughter first asked her to lope, she flicked her left ear back like she was asking "Are you sure you know what you are asking?".  Cassie asked again and she flicked her right ear.  When she asked the third time, both ears flicked back and forth and she stepped into a nice slow lope, which made Cassie pull back on the reins and Maria trotted on with the attitude of "See, I told you that you were not ready!"

  6. my horse plays with his lead robe while tied up and makes it twirl in massive circles, swinging it back an first.

    he also carries around his biscuit of hay all over the paddock.

    he help hang out the washing by giving me the pegs

  7. I was riding along in the bush one day and my horse was going great, so i sort of dozed off looking at the scenary and we walked into a clearing, when all of a sudden my mount went down to ROLL!!!

    same thing happend when I was riding through a puddle, I went trotting in and the water went up to just under her shoulder when she stopped suddenly and started to ROLL!!!

    But when you get a blood nose on horse back with no tissues or anything to hold your nose with... and you DON"T want to get all you tack bloody what do you do?!?!?! seriously... I found out the hard way

    we were riding around some trucks that were shouveling great big loads of gravel around when suddenly my nose went all bloody!! =O so I was leaning over the side of my horse (good boy lightning) just letting red drops of blood fall to the ground. So BAM I went galloping home to get a tissue and surprise surprise, my nose stopped bleeding by the time i got home! It must've been hilarious watching me from behind =( lol

  8. Aww, thats so cute!

    Ok, well I don't own a horse at the moment, but I do take lessons, and the main horse I ride there, Rees, is so cute! He will eat anything! One day, while I was finishing brushing him, I over heard my mum and my instructor talking, so I stoped, went over and listened to the story.My instructor said that one time, she was sitting on a hay bail thing, talking to people, with a twizzler in her hand (Im sure you know where this is going :P). So there she was, talking to the people, waving her twizzler around while shes talking, and the next second, she feels a tug on her twizzler, she looks over, and  theres Rees, looking guilty, but contented, with a twizzler hanging from his mouth! I laughed when I heard this. So I looked over to Rees, and there he was, sniffing at a soft toffee candy that had fell out of my pocket, and the next thing you know, its in his mouth, and hes trying to get it unstuck to the top of his mouth like if you give a dog peanut butter!  

    And sometimes, when he thinks I'm not looking, or I'm busy doing something, like brushing him, or cleaning out his hooves, he slowly puts his head over to a hay bale, near to where we hook him up to brush him, etc, and when he thinks I'm not looking, or I'm busy doing something else like brushing him, cleaning his hooves, putting a saddle on him etc, he takes a big chomp out of it.

    Like I said; Rees will eat anything (not including the hay)!

    Apparently he took a bite out of a hamburger once too, not sure how that happened cuz I havnt heard the story, she just told me some weird things hes eaten before. lol, that was fun!

  9. My old horse used to refuse to eat unless he had sliced apples AND carrots added to warm food. When we first bought him, the seller "forgot" to tell us this. He wasn't eating, and had all the local vets freaked out. When the seller learned that her prize horse was sick, she rushed down. After seeing the food we were feeding him, SHE freaked out. She told us that he needed 7 apples, sliced with sugar, and 4 carrots, sliced in circles

  10. one of my horse who's name is "chances are"he got that name on purpose because "chances are"he will get into trouble.if i go out to work on the fenceline he is right there "borrowing"something from hammers to the fence stretcher,you cant leave the truck windows down or he will have his head in the truck looking for something and has even knocked the truck out of gear then goes around to the front of the truck and starts chest bumping it till it starts rolling backwards.if you drag a hose out he chases it like a cat and pounces on the hose pulling you over backwards then tosses his head like he is laughing at you.he indian wrestles,likes to grab the back of your shirt or jacket and is pretty much an all around pest but show him a cow or calf and he will cut it out just for fun and he is learning my whistles i use for the dogs.people call him my 1500 pound dog and i think he is part aussie

    i tried that with my new litter of pups but they are still scared of him because he gets a little excited when they are around.he knows i am talking about him because i can hear him sniffing outside of my window wanting to stick his head in the house.

  11. good lord the horse with the oddes and funniestquirkis my friend's horse I am ridning. Nick bucks EVERYWHERE you go and I mean rodeo style bucking. Walk into a barrel arena and he drops his head like a peanut roller pleasure horse and walks right in, goose him into life and your off liek a shot. As soon as our pattern is done with and i slow him down to head out the gate he starts bucking again..... oddball gelding lol

    Now my paint mare  is weird too she's a pali paint and hates i mean hates to get dirty. She avoids mud and dirt like crazy and rarely rolls in the dirt she will wlak all over the pasture find the thickest spot of green grass and thena nd only then will she roll. Turns green from head to toe doing it but she doesn't get muddy or dirt on her. Now the kicker is this same mare will run full tilt boogy into the pony and lay down in it and get covered in slim and goo and not bat an eyelash, but mud in the pasture... nope wont do it

  12. Well my little pony Cali is a strange one all right!! I swear she has some mental issues... There's a couple things I would like to share with you about Cali.

    First, she thinnks she's a dog. NO JOKE!! One day I was walking past her pasture and I saw her spinning in circles.. It was the strangest thing! It turned out she was chasing her tail. Once she was done chasing she started to walk forawrd and got all dizzy and fell over.. Sounds sad but it was hilarious!

    Second, she has a "thang" for Wendy's. I thought horses weren't supposed to eat meat.. but I guess dogs do ( that means Cali does too ) So one time I was out at the ranch getting ready for a horse show. I just got done washing Cali so I tied her up in the sun. I was sitting next to her with my lunch ( a cheese burger wih fries and a small rootbeer from wendy's ) I had to get up to go get my phone because it was ringing. On my way to get my phone I heard the bag crumpling.. CALI!!! She already ate my cheeseburger and some of my fries! Then she went for the rootbeer... She knocked it over and started l*****g it..

    This is by far my favorite!! WHENEVER I jump Cali she does some strange things.. This one gets really annoying! Whenever I approach the jumps at any gait, canter or trot. She gets going really fast then all of the sudden she walks and she continues to walk over the jump.. Then once over the jump she immediatley picks up the gait we were at before she walked..

    OH WELL!! Cali will be Cali. Thats why i love her sooooo much!!!!
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