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something odd about yourself?

(I have to peel off the stickers from the spines of binders when I buy them.)




  1. My soda has to be near freezing for me to enjoy it.  I also get unexplainably angry if someone messes with my soda.

  2. when i go up or down steps I always have to start with my right foot

  3. I cannot drive a car that has garbage in it or is really dirty. It drives better if there is not a piece of anything in iy and the paint is all clean.ANAL!

  4. I hold my breath when certain people walk by me, so I don't get contaminated by them.

  5. Hey I do that too no lie!!! I ALWAYS peel the stickers off too!! OMG I thought I wouldn't find somebody like me :) I also have to write something down on my to-do list or else I won't do it........seriously. I'm mad though I can't peel on sticker off of my binder it's like super glued on there!!
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