
Tell me some do's and dont's while entering newzealand?

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how about getting a job in newzealand.hw much they pay a hour? and hw much can a student offer for an furnished appartment for rental a many persons can occupy him in his appartment and shares the rent.roughly tell me about weekly expenses in auckland (newzealand )




  1. Do be happy, don't be live in NZ all the do's is pretty simple. Its all  about doing unto others as you would do unto yourself. The pay depends on your qualifications and life skills.For a student, you need a part time job to survive in Auckland and it would be better to board rather than to rent. To rent your own 2 bedroom home in Auckland, the prices range from $250.00 a week to $400.00 a week, depending on what suburb you live in. If you are flat mating with others, the cost of living is much cheaper,.You could be paying from $100 a week to $150.00 week to cover all expenses. People board together all the time with a range from 2 people sharing a home to 6 people sharing a home and expenses. There are Hostels in Auckland as well and boarding homes that range from $90.00 a week to $150.00 which covers all costs.

  2. Don't bring in biohazard materials like honey or fresh fruit.   They're really sticky about introducing agricultural pests.

  3. Well as far as Do's and Don'ts..I went there a few years ago and before I went was told (by a native no less!) not to tip the waitresses..and if your american don't talk much cause they'll keep ya talking! I did both...and LOVED EVERY MOMENT! If you do get a job there...I envy you! Awesome place!!! then again..I'm from oregon and it looked like home!

  4. Well, for a start, New Zealand is two words.

    Other than that, New Zealand isn't actually some radically different country thats utterly separated from the world. We're little different from you. No one's gonna kill you for saying something wrong.

  5. DO wear lots of sunscreen - NZ has the highest rate of skin cancer next to Austrailia

  6. Hard to answer your questions when it is unclear what job field you're in and how much experience you have but the BEST place to look for jobs and accommodation is:

    This will take you to the UK gumtree site where you can click onto the NZ gumtree site.

    Good Luck!  :o)

  7. don't go to NZ

    do go to Australia instead!

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