
Tell me some great quote to write on our school 25th anniversary card?

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Tell me some great quote to write on our school 25th anniversary card?




  1. Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of aspiration and expectation.

    - Jack Nicklaus

  2. One day we will all be united, all things will be equal, and peace will prevail on Earth. Unfortunately, we will no longer be free.

  3. This school is a Quarter of a sintury...

  4. "You cannot learn what you don't already know"

  5. Carpe diem .  "seize the day",

  6. Well simple one for me "The aim of education is not knowledge but action."

  7. 'education not only ought to teach us how to make a living,but also how to live'

  8. "Of all the things I've loved and lost I miss my mind the most"-Ozzy Osbourne

  9. this has been the great times and memries

    ill never fogot and thrown away the memory of this school

    miss you always your name

  10. As I slide down the banister of life I will recall my time at this school as a bloody great splinter in my backside!

  11. try this there may be something here that helps especially if the school motto has any of the relevant words in it.

  12. "The furture is not set.  There is no fate but what we write for ourselves"

  13. 'Englishmen yet abed will hold their manhood cheap and feel themselves accursed they were not here.'

  14. There is a large selection, grouped by subject, on a site called (I think that is right)

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