
Tell me some real ghost stories please?

by  |  earlier

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ever since i was very little i have seen things or heard things a ball of light floating in my hallway,a man that i saw in my house from 1981 to 1999... doors used to open and close sometimes..anyone have any stories like that? i would tell more but i would rather hear your stories.. thanks




  1. My husband died in 2000...suicide.  About two weeks after his death, I was on the phone with a friend when the lamp beside me began to flicker off and on..this lamp has two bulbs and two pull chain switches..each bulb was turning off and on like a strobe light...I jumped up, yelled "STOP IT" and it did...I still have the lamp and it has not done this since...

  2. i can just tell you about something strange that happened the night my grandfather passed away..

    i was lying in bed crying because i loved him so much and he died a very painful death...well anyway i got a chill and sat straight up in my the foot of my bed was a figure...then i heard, "Dont cry Anna, youre family and i will always be around, i love you..."

    my bf at the time explained what it could b...i dont know if it was real but i havent felt loss when i think of him anymore...i feel at ease...

  3. Here is one of many,nobody dares to go down into my basement,I have seen things move,dark shadows go across the wall. One time late at night I had to do some laundry and I went back down after about an hour and both the washing machine and dryer was moved to the other side of the room and the water was still full in the washer and I tried to move it back and there was no way it must have weighed 500 pounds,and there was no window and nobody in the house,thats when I started getting scared also,I never believed the people who sold me this house until then.

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