
Tell me something truely obscure and mind-blowingly fascinating.?

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A.A Nice one. Yep I tried it




  1. One day you will be half your Moms age.

  2. During the Vietnam war we were fighting the Chinese!!  The death total of that war was 3X the population for Vietnam. How else can you explain why we got our a$$'s handed to us by such a small country??  The reason nobody ever knew about this is because, if our imports from china were to completely stop the U.S economy would be completely devastated!!

  3. Atlantis - a city so advanced, they could time travel.  And now it's gone - under water... and we STILL have no clue what they were capable of.

  4. "America is a country founded by slave owners who wanted to be FREE"   George Carlin

  5. snails have blue blood and four noses.

  6. The titanic was a lie.

  7. The greatest math problem remained unsolved for more than a hundred years.  Many attempts by the most brilliant minds in the sciences. Many teams of mathematicians tried in vain. A one million dollar reward for its solution.  The problem is called 'THE POINCARE CONJECTURE"  It was solved in 2003 very quietly by a Russian hermit who lives with his mom. Gregorio Perlman!!  He refused the $ and wants to be left alone.  He also refused the "Fields Medal" which is the "Nobel prize" for math.  He gave one phone interview and has not surfaced since. He is penniless and still living with mom at the age of 40.

  8. you can take the brains out of a salamander, chop them up into little pieces, and put them back in, and the salamander will get along just fine

  9. It is impossible to l**k your elbow.

    95% of people who read this immediately try it.

  10. depends upon your interest !!

    some thing mind blowing for me could be pretty simple thing for you !!

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