
Tell me the 2 teams you think will go to the world series and who will win ?

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i think cubs and angels since two best teams in the nl and al and i think finally the cubs will come on top




  1. I agree. Cubs will play the Angels and Cubs break the curse and win.

  2. i agree with you. cubs in 6.

  3. Yankees vs. Cardinals

    Yankees win in 7 games for the last time in Yankee stadium.

    Click thumbs down here




  4. Angels and it doesn't matter.

    no one is stopping them this year, too d**n good.

    I hope the cubbies pull it out though, I hate the angels.

  5. Angels vs. Mets. Angels come out on top. The Angels look pretty much unstoppable. As long as Guerrero stays in the lineup, they will keep on winning. Their pitching is unstoppable. My poor A's had no chance from the beginning.

  6. Rays and Cubs, with the Rays denying the Cubs, disappointing millions

  7. I gotta agree with the matchup, but disagree with the outcome, and here's why.

    The Cubs have not impressed me on the road against quality competition.  Sure, they swept the Brewers in Milwaukee, but the Brewers are not on the same level as the Angels.  The Angels, though not overly spectacular at home, being 14 games over .500 at home, I think are good enough to hold off the Cubs in Anaheim.  Because of this, I don't see the Angels losing to the Cubs in Anaheim.

    For the games at Wrigley, it should be really interesting.  You'd have the best road team in the majors (the Angels) versus the best home team in the majors (the Cubs).  The Cubs would win a regular season series at Wrigley, but I don't think they'll win enough at home in the World Series to win only at home.  I see the Angels taking 1 of 3 in Wrigley.

    Because of the Cubs' averageness on the road and the Angels' relative dominance on the road, here's how I see the World Series playing out:

    Game 1 in Anaheim: ANGELS

    Game 2 in Anaheim: ANGELS

    Game 3 in Chicago: CUBS

    Game 4 in Chicago: ANGELS

    Game 5 in Chicago: CUBS

    Game 6 in Anaheim: ANGELS

    Angels in 6, with many of those 6 games being really close.

  8. Angels and Cubs, Angels in 5, angels batting is too good

  9. i'm going to have to go with cubs over rays. unless the cubs choke AGAIN. they'll beat the angels out in game 7 of alcs.

  10. Cubs vs. Angels. The Angels will take it in seven.  

  11. Angels-Phillies. Angels in 5.  

  12. Brewers and Angels and the Brewers will win in 6 Games.

  13. cubs vs sox, sox win

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