
Tell me the biggest pet peeve or ocd issue you or someone you know has?

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Haha you can tell I'm hella bored!




  1. In my experience, one of the most terrible OCD issues is the fear of your own shadow, In my case, when i was growing up, it led me to believe that someone was following me, even though i KNEW it was just my shadow.  Another OCD issue that is big is the fear of rain.  Many people (including my self) have had this problem.  It deals with the thoughts of what might happen if it doesn't stop in some cases.

  2. I rub my feet together! Kinda weird if feet freak you out. It is just something that relaxes me. I have no control over it dont even know I am doing it until my boyfriend freaks out and tells me to stop.

  3. My biggest pet peeve is inconsiderate drivers.  Especially when someone gives me the finger when THEY were doing something stupid!

  4. My best friend since high school is living far away and always makes excuses why she can't write a letter by hand or email. She likes to talk on the phone but I'd rather get more news more often from her.

  5. My friend has a horrible temper when she loses. So she hates it when people rub something in other peoples faces.

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