
Tell me the most craziest most insane story of your life that has happened?

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Tell me the most craziest most insane story of your life that has happened?




  1. well..i feel weird whenever i tell this..and people who hear this think that im a real mad. last year when i went to a hillstation i happened to take a pic where no one was there.but when i got the photo i saw an image of a person standing there without a head ...i felt worse and when i said to my parents and relatives they first laughed at me and then they started to think something wrong with me . from then i did'nt take that idiotic snap still sleeps in my narnia book!

  2. Two friends and I are sitting in a small Chinese restaurant in a town on the Eastern side of state affectionately termed "Appalachia" (which it was not) waiting for our food to be served.  We were the only customers at the time.  The cook served my food and then a few minutes later served my friends.  Right after my friends are served, the cook comes back and says in broken English, "You go.  You go now.  Fire."  One friend wondered what the story was and got up.  The cooking area was on the way in, open to customers.  My other friend followed.  I hesitated because I wanted to eat, but eventually I got up.  In the front room, about four feet from me is a Chinese man holding what looked like a milk carton in a paper bag with stuff spilling out of it that smelled like kerosene.  He was in an argument with the cook and a Chinese woman who served as a waitress.

    The woman said, "He say I go with him.  I no have to go with him, do I?"

    My friend righteously said, "No, you don't have to go with him."  The Chinese man against the wall raised his contained in a threatening manner, so my friend said, "But talk to him."

    The cook tried to give my other friend a phone and said, "You call the police."  The Chinese man pulled the cord.  My friends left saying they were going to get help.  I checked the back room to see if anyone was there because a fight ensued between the cook and the man.  As I was leaving, the man poured the contents on a wok.  There were about four or five woks along the wall under a vent.  When he poured the contents, a small fire puffed up that looked like the Campfire Girls symbol, then a curtain of flames erupted along all the woks right along the wall.

    I left screaming for a fire truck.  The cook came out in flamees and my friends rolled him on the ground and put him out.  The man came crashing through the picture window of the restaurant and was tended by someone across the street.  One friend and I went up the stairs to get people out of the building.  Just as I came off the outside stairs, four small propane tanks erupted through the wall.

    The building was down in about twenty minutes.  When I asked a firemen if he wanted our names, he said it wasn't necessary.  When I got through to him that I saw him set the fire, he said, "The police are going to want to talk to you!"

    We gave our report about 10:00 p.m.  

  3. I went to the bathroom... and then someone knocked on the door. I opened. (fully dressed and everything done) This big buff black dude (with a kid), in his 30's, let himself in, locked the door, held my hand, and starting unzipping his pants. I ran out and called the cops. They thought I was g*y...

    To this day I still get visions of him...

  4. I have had several "premonitions" regarding my middle daughter but this one that just happened Sunday morning is by far the strangest.

    She is expecting her first child and she is not due until Sept 29 which is co-incidently MY birth date, and I had a "dream" that she was on the kitchen floor going into labor and the baby was born and dropped on his head and I heard a cracking and squishing and I woke up after seeing myself screaming in the dream. It was 1:35am.  I immediately sent my daughter an email with the contents of the dream which she would not have been able to get until Monday when she reported to work because she doesn't have a computer at home and throughout the day I had the nagging feeling that I should call her to tell her instead of waiting on her to get to work on Monday to read it and so at 4pm I did call and imagine my surprise when she tells me that she'd gone into premature labor at about midnight and was in a lot of a pain and was on bedrest now because she's dilated.  Not only did I "feel" her distress as it was happening had I waited on her to get the message on Monday when she got to work she would not have gotten it because she is on bedrest!   So that's really a double dose psychic experience. Like I said there have been other episodes.

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