
Tell me the most offensive jokes!?

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what are some of your most offensive jokes? the more people give you thumbs down the better




  1. Okay, just to let you know, I don't really like this joke because it is a little racist. My friend told it to me, and it is pretty offensive, which is why I am submitting this answer.

    Why are blacks so tall?

    Because their KNEE-GROWS.

  2. what does the kkk and Nike have in common

    answer= they both make black people run  


    why don't black people have a dream

    because the  last one got shot

  3. The real question is is why are 90% of the jokes black?

  4. what do black people and a vending machine have in common?

    they steal your money and they dont work for ****.

    thats the most offensive joke ive heard =/

  5. Why does helen keller m********e with one hand?

    She needs the other to moan

  6. racist jokes .. r horrible

  7. Why do black people smell?

    So blind people can hate them too.

  8. Gross is when your girlfriend puts her bra on backwards -- & it fits! ~  Gross is when you throw your underwear against the wall -- & they stick! ~ Gross is when you kiss grandma good-bye -- & she slips you the tongue! ~ Do you know why so many blacks are killed in battle? (Whenever someone yells "Get down", they jump up & start dancing!) ~ When you wanna kiss your honey, but your nose is kinda runny, you may think it's rather funny, but it snot (it's not)! ~ There's only 2 good names for a pet cat -- "Dog Food" & "Moving Target"!  

  9. not necessarily offensive, more like repulsive...

    three people were stranded on a deserted island. one was a girl, the other two were guys. one week passes and the girl is so ashamed of herself that she commits suicide. the second week passes. and the two men are so ashamed of themselves that they decide to bury the girl. a third week passes. and the two men are even more ashamed of themselves, so they decide to dig the girl back up.

    oh, and there's always dead baby jokes... a really horrible one is

    Q: what do you get when you put a dead baby in a blender?

    A: iono about you, but i get a hard-on

  10. Racial


                   A CRACKER!!!!!

  12. A woman was having a daytime affair while her husband was at work. One rainy day she was in bed with her boyfriend when, to her horror, she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway.

    "Oh my God - hurry! Grab your clothes and jump out the window. My husband's home early!"  "I can't jump out the window! It's raining out there!" "If my husband catches us in here, he'll kill us both!" she replied.  "He's got a hot temper and a gun, so the rain is the least of your problems!"

    So the boyfriend scoots out of bed, grabs his clothes, and jumps out the window. As he ran down the street in the pouring rain, he quickly  discovered he had run right into the middle of the town's annual  marathon, so he started running along beside the others, about 300 of them. Being naked, with his clothes tucked under his arm, he tried to blend in  as best he could. After a little while a small group of runners who had  been watching him with some curiosity, jogged closer.

    "Do you always run in the nude?" one asked.

    "Oh yes!" he replied, gasping for air. "It feels so wonderfully free!"

    Another runner moved a long side. "Do you always run carrying your clothes with you under your arm?"

    Oh, yes" our friend answered breathlessly. "That way I can get dressed right at the end of the run and get in my car to go home!

    Then a third runner cast his eyes a little lower and queried, "Do you always wear a condom when you run?"

    "Nope, only when it's raining!!

  13. blonde jokes

  14. what do apples and black people have in common?

    they both look good hanging from a tree.

    a bus of black people falls off a cliff, what is the worst thing about this?

    there were empty seats.

    i am not this mean i just find these jokes hilarious!

  15. question: how long does it take for a black woman to take a $hit?

    answer: nine months

  16. Why do blacks hate taking medicine from a new bottle?

    They have to pick the cotton out before they get to the pills.

  17. What is the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus?

    It only takes one nail to hang the picture.

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