
Tell me the vital statistics of ultimate greyhound betting system?

by Guest32449  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I was adviced to use ultimate greyhound betting system, I would like to know, what are the vital statistics of ultimate greyhound betting system. Please specify them for my convenience.




  1. Well here they are it has a staggering 61% strike rate on overall winners. This is a very high strike rate for the win and I am yet to see another Greyhound Racing System that performs so well. Not only does it have a high strike rate on winners but the place strike rate is 91%. These are very impressive results and this is why the profit level is so good even if you get short priced greyhounds.

    The Staking Plan put in place is a very sensible one as well I feel as it really takes into account a good run of outs which is not very likely when using the system but they still allow for it. It gives you that extra safety buffer if you did experience a run of outs. You will find a lot of systems either wont come with a staking plan suitable to the style of strategy or worse than that no staking plan at all. I have been a follower of the racing industry for over 40 years and in all of my experience there is only one way to make a profit from racing longterm and that is to have both a great strategy and stick to it while following a great staking plan.

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