
Tell me was my engagement weird?

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when i ask my girlfriend to marry me we where at a comic con in resident evil costumes is that a little weird or cool p.s no telling me i am a nerd or she is.




  1. You guys aren't nerds - but you are total geeks! Love it!

    If that's what you guys are into, then it is awesome!

    My hubby and I had a fake wedding at a Star Trek Convention. Sisko and Picard look-a-likes married us. They were in dress whites (think Riker/Troy wedding), and we were in red shirts. Klingons and Andorians were there.


  2. Weird? No. Different? Yes. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with being different. No two proposals are ever like and that's what makes yours so unique. If you're both happy then that's all that matters.  

  3. That is so sweet. Proposing somewhere that both of you enjoy being should really strengthen the bond, and I'm sure she will never forget that moment. That is a lot better then the same old dinner and flowers. I feel jealous, I hope if I get proposed to it would be in the same manner. Congrats :)


  5. oh god, i can't even let my boyfriend read this or he'll steal your idea. however, with him, i'd have to be dressed as the wonder woman to his superman, or the pandora to his death jr or something, lol...

    either way, your idea was awesome. and what's wrong with being a nerd? look around, they rule the world. think bill gates was a college jock?

    edit: show the pics! the whole thing sounds like it rocked! (and congrats, by the way...)

  6. no thats pretty badass.

    comic con is a hilarious place to propose, but it sure is memorable and there's nothing weird about it.  

  7. How would anyone find that weird? You both obviously love comic cons and now she will forever remember that one and you proposing to her.

  8. The fact that you were at an event that the two of you love, and obviously have a lot of enthusiasm for makes the proposal even more special.  So much better than your run of the mill romantic dinner with flowers and a ring in desert...those are just predictable and boring.  Yours will be a good story to tell people!

  9. Whatever tickles your long as she knows you love her, and you know she loves you, who defines weird?  When I proposed, I recreated my first date with my now wife...she couldn't resist me!

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