
Tell me what's good and bad about Sydney and what are the people like... and the guys!! ;)?

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Tossing between Adelaide and Sydney leaning more towards Syd.. so yes... If you could give me some answers to the questions above that'd be appreciated.. And If your a spunky guy or a rad chickie add me so Ill know someone before I get there hehe.




  1. go for sydney, adelaide is still in colonial times.

    Sydney is a great city it is very diverse. around newtown you have all the out there kind of people, kings cross and darlinghurst is the g*y kind of area and very expensive/chic places bondi-bogans some have money

    In the city there are a lot of contemporary people you'll be fine with them.

    If you go to the northern beaches beware what people say its a horrible hole(i live there) no trains full of bogans ( i mean bogans they wear their pants so low and are just idiots and dont care for anyone but themselves) the beaches sure there nice but there is nothing else to do. If i were you i would live the high life around the harbour.

    and dont go to campbelltown ( bogans) and racist so are people from the west until you hit the mountains

  2. Sydney is a rathole. If you like drunks, thugs, druggies and whores you'll have a great time.

  3. The cost of living is higher in Sydney than Adelaide. You will pay quite a bit more for rent. As for the guys they are the same as anywhere in the world you get the Good the bad and the ugly. all Nationalities. Adelaide is a more laid back  City and friendlier. The wages are probably better in Sydney

  4. I think it depends where you go in Sydney - it has a wide range of different environments. However prepare for road rage - sydney drivers are the worst.

    Adelaide has a more relaxed feel too it. So it all depends what you sort after.

    Sydney is i believe for the younger crowd - but like said before - it can be pretty *SEEDY* at times.

    As for the boys? i'm not too sure about adelaide, but in Sydney.. eh, its average

  5. It's Australia's most expensive city. Compared to Adelaide, it is better in areas such as weather, education, services and employment. However, it is polluted as the traffic is getting heavier and heavier each year with the average speed of traffic decreasing annually.

    In every city, you will most likely encounter a few not-so-friendly people. However, Australians in general are outgoing.

    LOL... since Sydney has a larger population, you're probably bound to find a hottie easier than in Adelaide.

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