
Tell me...what makes a good friend???

by  |  earlier

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I have this friend that I feel is never there for me. Its not that I'm not adult enough to handle my own situations, but as we all know; Every once and awhile we need a friends support or advise, or even a shoulder to lean on every now and then. My problem is, I'm always there for her, regardless of what-it-takes to support her. I don't want to end the friendship..but what-do-you say? Whats' it take to be a good friend? Shout it .......and thx




  1. what makes a good friend is: a person that is always there for you no matter what, a person that believes in you, a person that you know that you can lean/cry on their shoulder, a person that doesnt judge you, a person that gives you good advice, a person that is concerned about you, a person that wont stab you in the back, and most important: a person that loves you.

  2. A good friend is some that is there no matter what, someone to rely on with your darkest secrets that they won't tell anyone, even if they are angry at you. They are the friends that will keep calling you if you hang up and ask, "Whats wrong? I care about you". They are the people that sacrifice what they want, for what you want. That is what makes a good friend

  3. ok ill start of by describing my bff!

    -loyal                           -tries to help me

    -luffs me                       -can cry round dem w/ out pity yet caring

    -protective                    -my problm is his problm

    -we get along well         -we'de die for each other

    -like da same stuff         -sweet and supportive

    -caring                          -der when i need him

    -can talk to him bout anything      

    -can handle me when im hyper and make no sence =P

  4. A good friend is someone you know you can contact at any point in the day, with any problem knowing that they will be there to help comfort you and solve your problems. A good friend knows you almost better then yourself, and is not afraid to barge into your house and start eating from your kitchen, just as if it were there own house. Good friends are the ones you know you would be lost without.

    It seems like you are a very good friend...and maybe it will just take space between you and your friend for them to realize that.  

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