I was walking down the street where I grew up as a child/teenager towards the little market that used to sit on the corner of the street. As I was walking I noticed a gentlemen calling out to me by a building of flats with a little boy. I guess instructing the boy to go with me. I’m in the market with the little boy and he’s talking about tonic water with me so I find myself explaining the different kinds of tonic water to him. Then, the little boy gets upset about something and takes off out of the market. I end up going after him and chasing him down so he doesn’t get hurt. The little boy ends up in a really bad part of town. When I catch up to him he’s in the center of these flats and I convince him to come back with me so he doesn’t get hurt , just then this gang of hooligans start walking down the center of the courtyard where the flats are. I know there’s going to be trouble so I get the boy and get on this small motorcycle and we rush right by the gang and pass them by in the nick of time. …………………….
Now, second part of the dream I’m in this flat building and earlier on someone had warned me that bad people live there and not to go in, but I had to go talk to this man about something. Knowing that my life is on the line I go to this flat to talk to this man who seems a bit older and something is just not right about him. Can’t quite put my finger on it but I know he’s bad. He starts talking to me and the whole time I keep my distance. I finally gather the information I went get from him and start my exit, but just as I exit he starts smiling a sinister smile and starts asking me if I want to stay longer. There’s something he needs from me and tries to beckon to stay. I tell him no and out the door I go! As I’m in the hallway of the building I pass an older man with grey hair and he notices me and has a look of bad intent as he watches me leave the building but I manage to leave unscathed. Phew!
What's this about?