
Tell me what to do, i need a job?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me what to do, i need a job?

heres the situation:

i quit my job 2 weeks ago (on good terms), but now i wanna go back, like right now, within a week. i dont think its a good idea to go back with the same company, but i thought about applying for the same type of job with another company

or should i just go back with the same company? would they get angry about having to reset my payroll and reissue everything again




  1. You obviously had good reason to quit your last job. It's best not to go back there as things will never be the same. Search for another job or try using a temp agency. Good luck.

  2. It's always hard to go back to a job you've just left, especially if you wanted to go.

    Look for another job and only go back if you have no other choice. If they want you back they won't care about re-issuing everything.

    But whatever you do, NOW is a good time to do it.

    The longer you are unemployed the harder it will be to find a job.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Makes me wonder...why you quit in the first place.Try employment with another company and say your previous employment offered no challenges.lf you are not successful then you can always swallow your pride and crawl back to the previous employer..............

  4. umm...did you quit voluntarily? If so...that was a pretty premature move considering you have no cushion.

  5. I'm sure you can go back if you left with good terms but if you cant well try going to those emploeyment offices they'll help you get a job ;) good luck!

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