
Tell me what to do with my future cz i cant .. =[?

by Guest34090  |  earlier

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i just moved to a differnt city by my selve to try an option as going to school for me wasn't working out, i have a job job in design up here and a loving boyfriend but i left beind all my friends i had ever none and family. i live with my aunt up here and her 4 loud kids, i dont realy feel like i fit in in that house.

the plan was to try it for 3 months then maybe move back

its been 4 months and im deciden weather i shud move back or not i miss my family and friends like crazy altho i have made some up here its not the same.. my bf would be divesated if i left but my mom really needs me back..

what should i do??




  1. your plan was for 3 mos. and you have stayed for 4.  are you getting anywhere? would your bf be that devastated if you went back home? do you need to go back home? or is there another place that you may want to move to, somewhere on your own?  i was never on my own and i wish that i could go back and change that one thing, being on my own before getting married and moving out of my parents' house into my married home.

  2. Think long term.  Which has better potential for your future?  Going home and back to school, or the design job.  Think of where you want to be in five to ten years.

  3. quit whining and make a decision.

    do you really think that WE know you well enough to make this decision?????????????????

  4. it sounds like you are unhappy, but you also need to think about your future. what will be the best in the long run? is the job really good? perhaps you could stick it out long enough to transfer closer to your hometown. look at all your options, and don't box yourself in to only two choices.  

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