
Tell me what to say to this guy?

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There was a picture of Shigeru Miyamoto on one of my friend's pictures because he traveled to New York and went to this Nintendo Land whatever. His other friend made a comment and this is how it went:

Me: That guy is pure cool to the max.

This guy I don't know: i'd do him

me: I'm officially creeped out.

him: You saying you wouldn't do Shigeru Miyamoto?

Not doing Mr. Miyamoto is g*y.

He is a god!

So what should I say to him?




  1. id say, you got problems my friend

  2. errrr.....End the conversation and get new friends

  3. You should say "I'm sorry, I'm lame and immature and uneasy with my own masculinity and sexuality. You should find better friends."

  4. Right you ****.  Ever heard of g*y bashing?

  5. Well, I don't roll that way. Say that.

  6. Say to him that I respect you.

  7. YOu like the Jonas Brothers that would creep him out

  8. Have you asked him to give you a few minutes to go on Y!A and ask P&S what you should say to him?

  9. YOUR A CREEPER!!!!....... and run away lol

  10. Are you sure it was a guy?

    I'd just say alrighty then or something like that...

  11. Say: uhh, i don't roll like you.......



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