
Tell me what u guys think?

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i am one hundred percent albanian muslim. my parents do not let me have a boyfriend. but, i do have one, but they dont kno. he is one hundred percent bosnian muslim. he is the sweetest guy ever. he makes me so happy. and hes muslim too thats a plus. but my family is albanian. i dont kno wat my parents are gonna say. my boyfriend wants to marry me. we love each other deeply, and weve been going out for only 2 months. i trust him completely. but i have no idea wat my parents are going to say. im 17 and hes 20. me and him wanna tell my parents when im like 20 or 21. i lie to my parents to go over his house. we dont do nothin bad all we do is kiss and hug. do u think wat im doin is bad? give me ur opinions please?????




  1. two months is not as long as some people date

    but when your 20

    and your still possitive hes the one

    then go ahead.

    its nothing bad, your perfectly fine

    my friend is albanian and i know how her parents are

    only her mom married at 16 so yeah..


  2. yeah i think what u r doing is bad i am 19 and Albanian and i wouldn't lie to my parents like that and i am not even religious...i think slavic guys r stupid and not to be trusted but if ur ok with him than so be it. I do think u should wait before u tell ur parents if u dont want them to freak out on u. Well thats my opinion  

  3. Well I'm mormon and in a kinda the same situation. I'd say wait and just take your time untill your Really ready for marrage.

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