
Tell me what u think about telekinesis ... Is it real?

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Every since i was a little girl I always wondered if telekinesis was real. I wont argue if you say its real or not. I just want to know what your honest opinion is. And be honest and dont lie.





  1. Leaving my personal belief aside, many people claim it's real but not one single person has been able to demonstrate this ability in a controlled environment.  Draw your own conclusions.

  2. Most likely. Had a colleague, who stopped the NCR 316 (1965) Mainframe computer with his "mind power" (got mad, and committed suicide.)  Brainpower is exponential, go one point up, and  the power doubles. Next point up, again doubled. Check IQ results. The difference between a 120 IQ and a 122  IQ  are astounding.

    We now have an open ended scale. (like the Richter scale.) You use 4 of you brainpower, now go to 5 and you have doubled that power.  Push that up to 50, and what awesome power do you have than? Your 7 power is too small to comprehend that.


  3. Bigfoot told me that stuff is bogus.

  4. No.  First of all, there is no basis in reality for this to happen.  What I mean is, it would defy the laws of physics.  Second, if it was real, then odds are that more than just one person could do it, probably a significant portion of the population, in fact.  And if long ago, people had realized they were telekinetic, they would have cultivated this power and we'd be really good at it by now.

  5. If you were to pick up a book next to you, you would need to use a force of lifting to do so. By moving the book you would accomplish work, since according to science work equals force times distance. But how did you make the force? Your body did the lifting, right? But what told it to? Your mind did.

    According to physics, energy is the ability to do work. So your mind, in one way or another, is either pure energy which flows through your body and brain, or it expels energy of some kind. Either way, it is capable of making changes in the physical universe by communicating with your body. What keeps it from separating itself from the body  no one knows (although a lot of people experience out of body experiences).

    If you could separate your mind from your body momentarily, or simply extend it, and then connect it with another physical object, it follows that you might be able to move the object physically, without touching it.

    So, yes, I believe telekinesis is possible on certain levels. I don't think most people have the patience to try it.

    If you are up for some experimenting, go to this site:

    It's not quite the same as telekinesis from a distance, but I believe it works the same way.

    You could also build your own energy wheel(I know that sounds really stupid; that's just what they are called). Go to youtube and search for it. Essentially, it's just a needle and a piece of square paper. You will be surprised to find that, after a few minutes, the wheel will move in whichever direction you wish for it to...without touching it.

    There isn't a ton of experimental proof for telekinesis, probably because no well known scientist wants to put his career on the line just to prove something that might not be real, and which, if proven real, still wouldn't be believed for many years. That doesn't mean it isn't real though. For a long time, scientists didn't believe in electromagnetic waves. That didn't make them any less real; it just meant they hadn't been discovered.

    The reality is, there is no real reason why telekinesis absolutely could not exist. Science allows for almost anything if you're willing to look hard enough and long enough.

  6. What psi explorer said, even though he got 6 thumbs down, Ha! Ha! that made me laugh

  7. There is absolutely no scientific proof that telekinesis exist.  Those that tell you that there is are fibbing to you.

    And no valid scientific studies have proven the existence of this phenomena.

    Again, as I say many times, anyone who can demonstrate this or any other paranormal phenomena in a scientifically controlled setting can win a million dollars from the James Randi Foundation.   To date no one can even make it through the preliminary testing.

    Do you know why?  A very simple explanation.   There ain't no such thing!  

    Extraordinary claims require extraorinary evidence.  And so far the evidence isn't there.

    People can say anything.   But when it comes down to presenting valid scientific proof, its just not there.  

    If there were anything to this, just like the existence of ghosts, real scientist would be crawling all over it.  There are none.

    But most people believe in the paranormal based on nothing anyway.  Ha.

    And to the person above who claimed to move cotton,etc.   Go ahead and apply for the million bucks and enjoy it!!!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha.  Give me a break.

  8. Telekinesis is a different energy source to telepathy and clairvoyance.Its the rarest of the psychic abilities.With my ability i can only move a piece of cotton under strick psychic tests.This of course may mean   three things.One-With the cotton it is quite possible my experiment was not fully airtight and its possible that a draft moved my cotton instead.Two-I might have a low energy source with telekinesis and it may always stay like that or with practice and may be able to move heavy-er items like a pencil.Three-something else mat have infact moved the cotton like a vibration from something or even a static electricity discharge from something nearby

  9. plausible, yes

    probable,  no

    when u think about it, the human brain takes avantage of energy in the body making it do stuff. in theory, if u expand that energy feild and increace its power by many multiples, u could use that energy to effect matter and other energy. there is a new type of theoretical ship that scientists are desighning that takes adventage of light energy, pushing the space craft. anyway, the human mind cannot create an energy feild that strong so we would have to wait to evolve or untill a new tech is out that can aid us in it. paralyzed people already take advantage of this when they use thatre thoughts (with aid of machines and receptors) to move a cursor on a computor or operate a video game.

  10. I don't think it is real. How could just thinking about something effect an object? How could the power get from your brain to actually move it?

    Imagine how different the world would be if we could really move things with our minds.

  11. I do not believe it is possible. Nothing personal but I think anyone that believes in it is a completely ridiculous human being.

  12. There is scientific evidence from well controlled experiments that supports the existence of psychokinesis (a newer term for telekinesis) that is sometimes called mind-matter interaction (the latest term).

    The evidence suggest that items in flux (decaying radioactive particles, thrown dice, random number generators, etc.) are easier to effect than stationary objects (levitating an apple).

    This is sometimes called micro PK.

    I provided links to this extensive evidence below.

    There is no evidence (or claims) that anyone can levitate their friends, stop a speeding car, or cause a fireball.

    Yes, I believe on the basis of 27 plus years of research that consistently supports the existence of PK that it is real.

    I also take offense at personal attacks from people that have not examined the evidence and prefer to attack individuals rather than attempt to refute the evidence.

    I also have included a link (last link) to video of Nina Kulgina that demonstrated her abilities in the former Soviet Union. While her abilities can be replicated via magic tricks today no skeptic or magician to date has ever replicated her abilities under the conditions of a controlled laboratory observed by scientist where she demonstrated her abilities.

    Thus, the skeptical hypothesis of cheating remains untested and unsupported.


  13. No, it's not possible.  No one has ever been able to demonstrate this ability under controlled conditions (that means when they were not able to cheat).

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