
Tell me what you guys think of this Jones-Tarver video that I found on youtube?

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I personally agree with everything that was shown in the video. I mean, Tarver's name is solely based on beating a faded Roy Jones. If they had fought before Roy moved up to heavyweight, it would have been a one-sided beat down in favor of Roy. Jones still managed to beat Tarver in their first fight and in doing so, he became one of the few to be light heavyweight champion, move up and capture a heavyweight belt, and then move back down and regain the light heavyweight championship. Tarver will NEVER be able to accomplish half of what Jones has. Anyway, I just wanted to see if you guys agree with it or what you think about it. Thanks.




  1. One thing that bothers me about this video is that it doesn't give Tarver the credit that he deserves. Was Roy past his prime honestly i don't think he was the guy had moved up to heavyweight and then moved down and beat Tarver anyway. Then when Tarver wins everyone says "oh Roy should have never moved down and Tarver caught him with a lucky shot". That might have been the case if Tarver one the first fight but he won the second. Roy Jones for years got away without using the fundamental of boxing keeping the right hand up after you Jab or Using the Jab and not just leaping in with hooks not sitting down on punches tons of things Roy was doing wrong from a textbook view of boxing. Those things are what keeps fighters safe in the ring Hopkins hardly ever gets hit with right hands because he doesn't drop his hands after a Jab. Roy is a great fighter but Tarver had all the tools to beat him he exploited the fact that Jones makes mistakes you don't have to be Freddy Roach to notice. "Lucky Shot" Not at all Jones was throwing a hook and got hit with a flush counter left hand and was knocked out because for years guys were to slow or didn't have the skill to counter him and he didn't even expect it.


  2. Woulda coulda shoulda . . . he got knocked out.  Then got knocked out by Glen Johnson.  Who?  Glen Johnson a journeymen.

    Roy WAS a great fighter, but Tarver paid his dues and proved he was the best at that weight.

  3. It is important that you understand that I have seen thousands of fighters, and hundreds of world class boxers, even been lucky to have been around a couple dozen true all time greats.  I have a video library that took me almost 40 years to collect, and for each of the several hundred boxing matches I have been to in person, I must have watch at least a couple dozen more on tape.  Nothing I have seen in the countless hours spent in gyms over the past forty years has been close to what Roy Jones Jr. brought into the ring.

    Nobody, before or since had the quickness, coupled with the hand and foot speed of Roy Jones Jr.  Nobody.  Roy was one of a kind, truly of of boxing's best and brightest.  Roy was so inhumanly fast, he never really needed to learn how to box.  He relied on his God given quickness, and sliped and avoided punches by pure reflex for so long, when age crept up and slowed Roy down to normal speed for a brief moment, a text book left hook that any well trained boxer throws without even realizing it caught Roy flush, and Tarver just happened to  be lucky enough to be the guy standing in front of Roy at the moment.  If Roy had been normal, and classically trained, his right hand would have been higher, and it would have been at least partially caught on his glove, but Roy was so used to seeing things in micro seconds, he never counted on his reflex's failing him, and one punch was all it took to turn Boxings true P4P best into an ordinary fighter.

    I agree with you, Roy Jones Jr. was far superior to Antonio Tarver, Roy's accomplishments are clearly as astonishing as his immense talent, and few in the history of boxing have came close to his achievement.  Tarver certainly will never equal even a fraction of Roy's career.

    I believe people like Sugar Ray Robinson, Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler were better boxers than Roy Jones.  I believe people like Julian Jackson, Thomas Hearns and Gerald McClellan were much harder punchers.  I also believe if they, as great as they were, faced the Roy Jones Jr. that out speeded and out quicked a prime James Toney, Roy would beat them all.  I hold Roy Jones Jr. in the highest esteem, and list him among boxing's all time greats.

    Tarver got lucky at the same time Roy decided to show his age, in his prime, Roy was a middleweight with speed that was superior to Willie Pep, an absolute phenom.

  4. For all the speed and talent Roy had there was obviously a weakness because everyman has his.  It's the size of his cranium,  his skull size,  he is susceptible to KO's.  His losses to Tarver and Johnson are not your average knock outs,  they are brutal put to sleep no doubt about it ko's.  Both times he was so out of it that he could'nt even attempt to get up.  My point is when have you seen the all time great fighters KO'ed so bad?  The answer is you have not.

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