
Tell me what you think, please

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so AF is due on Wednesday. I have had cramping for about a week and a half now. I Just went to the loo and had brown, very thick mucasy blood. AF always arrives every 28 days, i could set a clock by it. I have done a hpt a couple of days ago and it was neg. I have been TTC for 7 months now. This has been the first month i have felt 'off'. Fingers crossed.

Obviously, I'll just wait and watch to see how AF is over the next couple of days and if it's not normal, then i'll re-test. It just seemed weird that it's early and also the consistency (TMI).

Just wanted to get some opinions to see what others thought.

Would REALLY love to be pregnant!




  1. While it could be mplantation bleeding, it could also be a sign that Af is coming too, too hard to know really, if you did a HPT a few days ago but your period isn't due until Wednesday, then there's ahuge possibility you tested too early, so I would test again, but to avoid disappoint I would wait and see ifAF turns up on wednesday first, if not then test. GoodLuck

  2. Well sounds to me like IMPLANTATION bleeding!

    good luck!

  3. Sounds promising - good luck!!

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