
Tell me what you think? By the way I'm still working on it!

by  |  earlier

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It is me singing *I can hear the bells* by the musical hairspray.





  1. wasnt bad but it also wasnt that great but i liked it try taking lessons and practice

  2. try to keep better time it can always blow a song ( trust me i've had experience in that department)... a little too much vibrato makes it sound fake and difficult on the ears try less vibrato. try getting sheet music and have someone you know (that can play the piano) help you with it... a honest friend is always best in this case... i think you definitely have some potential if you keep working hard... good luck for whatever you are going to do with this song!!!

  3. You don't have a horrible voice, but your timing was off, and your pitch was off. Keep working on it

  4. It's nothing that can't be fixed and you have a nice base to start from.  Most of the problems sound like breathing, vowels, and tension.  Relax your neck and jaw and make them easy.  When you breathe, don't force it.  Just release it and it'll be all the support you need.  Your vibrato sounded a bit forced which is from too much pressure pushing the air out. If you fix your vowels and make them pure a lot of the pitch problems will get fixed.

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