
Tell me what you think. Is this another case of the rich getting richer?

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It's on the news. People who filed for SSI at age 64 and are now 72 are eligible for an increase in their SSI, but there is a catch. You have to pay back all the money you have been paid since you were approved and then file a new form with SSI. Then you'll receive all your previous payments back but at the higher rate of pay and your future SSI checks will also be at this higher rate. Now seriously. The only people who could have that type cash laying around and available would be very well to do. Your average Joe would not have that type of money available. He would have been using his SSI to survive. This is not a fair change. Give more to those who have enough already but exclude the people who could really use it. This reeks of a Republican decision. Vote Democratic.




  1. If that is the case, then just about anyone should be able to walk into a bank and get a short-term loan to momentarily pay their benefits back.  Give Joe Biden's son a call at MBNA and see if he can help you out.  

    It seems like fairly moronic program if it exists.  But that's the government for you, and why I vote Republican.  

  2. Its not the republicans,The republicans gave the increase and left it up to ssi to give it out.SSI witch is run by a Democrat at this time decided to pay that way. don't vote Democrat they will only raise taxes.

  3. The law was designed to allow people who needed (or wanted) to start withdrawing early to be able to. SSI is designed to be a defined benefit program - not a welfare system (to the chagrin of you leftists).

    So they file for early SSI withdrawals, and now that they are going to be held to the predetermined rules that allowed them to begin withdrawing early, you want to complain.

    Reeks of Democratic welfare state pipe dreams. Vote Republican or Libetarian.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You have demonstrated the thinking of most democrats.  They continue to bash bush and make comments about the wealthy, when in fact, the democrats are in control of congress.

    In any event, if that was true, then anyone could do that.  Any bank will loan someone the money to pay it back because of the government guarantee on the other end that they would receive it back.

    Also, it makes no sense that congress would require everyone to write a check just so they can write a check in return.  I bet if this is true, it is merely a transfer of money on paper.   But then, we're talking about democrats here, who knows what absurd process they will define - anything to create a larger bureaucracy.

  5. Democrats control Congress. Social Security is just a added tax, you can't live off it, you better save your own money if you want to live a comfortable life when you get old

  6. Democrats have a small margin of control

    they won in 2006 and were not sworn in until 2007

    it reeks of repub because that's what's behind it....

    That is a complete catch 22 the ones who really need it will never see it...

  7. Actually that change date back to the mid 90's

  8. Thats funny I say this whole posting as another liberal democrat trying to give something away - the paying something back...may have been a republican way to try to stop the dems from giving away the treasury... I'm an Independent but I'm smart enough to know that the democrats want to give you someone elses money (from taxes) after they get their cut. Yeah the GOP has their flaws too but wealth redistribtion isn't one of them...say it how it is this is another obama star struck fan club member.. looking for more votes for their unqualified star who can't take a stance on anything until he looks at the polls or his audience...

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