
Tell me what you think about this logic on racism.?

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we talked about the study "a girl like me" in sociology class and they talked about how our society has made being blacker a bad thing like how black people value lighter skin higher than darker because of our country's racism's. i was just thinking while i was laying out in the sun that white people value darker skin (tanner) more than pale englsh skin right? how is this not the same? also the video im refering to is on youtube. also i was just thinking earlier how some white dudes complain like "we cant say the n word whats up with that" but really we can and do say it all the time amongst our white friends. anywys just wondering what yall thought about that.




  1. It's true that African Americans may value being lighter skinned.  At the same time, it's true that most people who are very pale would like to have a nice tan.  I think that skin tone like many things regarding physical beauty is related to moderation.  Generally, we view a body builder as a "freak" for their huge muscles.  But at the same time, we don't see a 98 pound man as being the model of physical beauty.  So there is a middle ground - lean, muscular, but not too muscular.  I think society sees it the same way with skin tone. Not too light, not too dark- right in the middle.  The "N word" is a whole other issue.  The issue there is being in the "in group" or the "out group".  You may complain to your sister about how much a pain your mother is being.  But when someone outside of your family says that, it upsets you.  It's the same thing with the "N word".  So long as you are not in the "in group", no matter who you are, it's a no-no.

  2. i never heard of that you should be proud of who you are , be proud of where you came from where ever it may have been

  3. i think the grass is greener on the other side as far as desiring lighter and darker skin. and i don't think and other race than black should be able to say the n word if at all.

  4. I do think white people value darker skin - I love swimming but I burn really easily - would be great to have skin that tans and not freckles - plus black skin is firmer, and ages better, in my opinion.  

    Also, I'm English but I notice a lot of American people like to have a tan, so I would definitely say they don't value paler skin.  Justifications for racism don't exist - the idea about superiority / inferiority of races in the western world didn't exist until the 18th / 19th century and was invented to maintain access the massive profits of the slave trade in the face of mounting public criticism, any other reason given is just a lie :-)

  5. I have wondered if someone from another planet studying US culture would draw the conclusion that we all wanted to look Hispanic.

  6. Racial issues can be very complex, mostly because a few hundred years ago most people in our country saw nothing wrong with selling black people like horses, and now most people see it as reprehensible but wounds are still fresh.  Its an awkward stage.

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