
Tell me what you think about this.

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what do you think about other dementions, like different relms??? i would love to hear opinions and even info on this.




  1. I like to think in every galaxy there is another 'Earth' and we are all there, but every possible choice is played out. I hope that is dealing with your question.

  2. I think of it in a sense that its the world around us at the moment but in an entirely different hue of colors from the spectrum that we cannot visibly see in our current dimension. This realm is also governed by a different set of laws that say time does not exist and space is only a perception instead of a state of area. In essence the opposite of our world.

    Space and time has shifted into one another. Time as we know it would be a measure of distance between two aparent items, but the distance between them would not exist beyond what you can see. Sort of like how time is only what we think it to be (minutes hours days) and space is a matter of distance between one thing to another.

    The reason for the discolorations is that the realm is still attached to this one but viewing it from a different perspective, like how a FlatScreen LCD looks different at different angles.

    I also believe there is place where the souls of dead people exist... Its merely a place of timeless existance.

  3. the would be pretty deng cool. i guess my opinion is that it doesn't exist, but i'd love to believe it did. especially the other worldly thing where the dead souls are in a timeless existence like stated above, cause that would be what we all need after death. a place to wait for judgment day.

    it makes for great television and stories though.

  4. The greatest demention is our inner ones. As much as the univers is immence ...soo are you...according to some subatomic experts..there is possibly 26 dimensons

  5. I have no idea what your talking about!

  6. dimensions.

    There is no such thing.

  7. you would have explain what a 'demention' or a 'relm' is before you can expect an answer

  8. one view is that alternative dimensions are created all of the time with choices we make and the things that we do and that these alternat dimensions are branching of based on choices, like if i flipped a coin it was heads another dimension had just been created where it was tails, and that the dimensions would just continue to branch out, another theory is that time travel in theory could alter the one dimension were in or evev send you to an entirely new dimension. On the notes of 3d and 2d and 1d 1d is one line one direction, 2d is two lines any direction but flar like up down left right, but no depth, 3d is all directions with depth, and the fourth dimension is tiome which is beyond the other three dimensions  

  9. We spend half of our lives dreaming...

    Is that another dimension?

  10. a popular theory is that from every action there is a tree of possible alternatives that exist in parallel dimensions. for example, if you cross a crowded street and reached the other side, in another dimension you may have tripped, and in another you may have bumped into your spouse, and in yet another you may have been run over by a buss, etc.

    in my opinion, this theory is flawed. the theory focuses on orgnaisms (usually humans) and the infinite possibility of our actions. if parallel dimensions existed , i would imagine that they would probably exist on a smaller scale, more likely an atomic level.  so instead of you doing an action and having an infinite amount of other possible actions, an atom that helped comprise you would be in a different configuration in an infinite number of parallel dimensions. considering that that would happen with every atom in your body, there will actually only be one dimension in which you existed. this is because in every other dimension, all of the atoms that comprised you would have shifted, creating a completely different being altogether.

  11. everyone else's mind is another dimension.

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