
Tell me what you think of the media and what its doing to kids these days?

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I personally think that the media is a horrible thing. It is making kids and teens think that they have to act and look a certain way and it is promoting very horrible things. I see the difference between how 6th graders used to act (when I was in grade six) compared to now (my sister is in 6th grade) and it just is so disgusting. BTW I`m 13 and was in 6th grade only 2 years ago. Already there is a big difference in how they act and what they do...and it is not a good difference. Tell me what you think.




  1. there will always be a change in how generations of people react to things and change. kids are starting at younger ages involving themselves in things that are more for grown ups..being as it could be television you cant rule that out but what it really is is the people around you. the people that you are involved with in some way everyday. i just graduated high school and i can tell you that ive learned kids are starting at younger ages everyday and you cant stop that now it just has to be dealt with. being as your still very young you will see the changes as well as the ones in yourself.

  2. TI think you're a very bright and perceptive young person.

    Keep this in mind, however.  People are not forced to have the media be an influence in their lives.  If the media is a bad influence, parents and kids bear much responsibility for allowing it to be this way.

    The TV can be turned off or given away.  No one forces people to go to inappropriate movies, read inappropriate books or listen to inappropriate music.  We have much more control over our lives than we believe we do.

  3. I think that parents who ALLOW the media to raise their children deserve exactly what they get.  Televisions and stereos come with this magical turns the televisions and stereos on get this...I mean this is REALLY you are NOT going to beleive actually turns them OFF!  Isn't that AMAZING!?  I mean just THINK a parent CAN have control over what comes into their home!  They can turn the television on and when something they don't want their kids to view comes on they can actually TURN THE TELEVISION OFF!  Who could have thought of such a thing?  As for the word two letters if a parent doesn't want their kid's playing with the game..."No".  period.  how easy is that!  It's not the media's the lack of parenting.

  4. i feel you miley and ashley are setting a bad picture for young girls and life with derek has soft p**n

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