
Tell me what you think of the poem i wrote. It no finished but almost.?

by  |  earlier

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Its called Equality and its a two person poem. Tell me what you think.

Person 1

I’m an average looking person,

In an average looking world,

Filled with average looking people,

Leading average little lives.

But when you put it all together,

And stand us side by side,

You can see I’m much less average than the person I’m beside.

Person 2

I am much more less than average,

I’m a waste of human life.

But I live in an average world,

Where people lead such nice lives.

And when you put it all together

When you stand us side by side

You can see I’m much less average than the person I’m beside.




  1. Kind of Average.  But I believe eventualy your glimmer will become a beacon in the night.

    Keep writing.

  2. I like it!

  3. WOW!!!! thats really good ......thats the best poem i've ever seen im dead serious             :)

  4. I think that is a  awsome peom so far and its so true about the world these days i like it alot and im very into poetry so keep up the good work and i would love to see the finishing of it...


  5. not bad. i like it

  6. i love it!!! it's great !!!! keep up the good work

    and keep writing more poems. keep it in a folder

    and maybe u could publish a poem book u never


  7. nice

  8. very good

    but my advice is that you could probably have the first one more of a higher class instead of average to contradict the second person

  9. boring, cliche, overdone

    i've seen so many of these it's not even funny

  10. it is prity good and i like the riming keep u the good work

  11. It's very unique, but a little confusing. Maybe you could change much less average much more different....make your point a little clearer and it should be great!

  12. interesting. cool.

  13. God! I flipping love it!!! I wouldn't have put it on here someone could steal it.

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