
Tell me what you think of this Question?

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then tell me who you think as the best answer here




  1. Me of course!  Hey you's all about the points - LOL.

    Edit:  Why thank you both!  ;)

    My goodness Kyle where is all this hostility coming from?  Please do NOT categorize me with your past mistakes.  FYI - helped my ex rebuild his 1200 and grew up fixing hydraulic jacks with my dad.....

  2. Kaylee or Jenna seem to have some appeal for one reason or another ;)

  3. Jenna,

    why? cause we've had s*x on a harley :)

  4. jenna or kaylee?

    does it matter? what do girls know about bikes anyway?

    edit: lol, my g/f would be p*ssed if i had a date...not with her...

    if you're going to ask a question to the ladies, go where the ladies hang out...

  5. Women look for men who are dumb, and have money.

    This is why Harley attracts them- They are outrageously overpriced. Therefore you have to be dumb to buy one, and also have a lot of money to buy one.

    Hey there you go! Congratulations on having a materialistic w***e run your life!

    UPDATE: Harleys also double as vibrators, because they shake so bad. Another reason women are attracted to them. ALSO they do not have testosterone, a chemical women and Harley riders rarely posses, so they are afraid to go fast, or enjoy massive amounts of power. hostility is coming from my anger management or lack there of...I got some free anti-depressants from my Harley dealer but I didn't take them yet...LOL INSIDE JOKE

  6. LOL, nicely done Bonez....seems the sport bike crowd only has one person to vote for....and they can't even get together on that....

    I'm going with Jenna as the top pick, but have to give Kaylee a thumbs up as well.

  7. jenna

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