
Tell me what you think of this video on feminism...?

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I like it a lot! I still don't see what's wrong with feminism. Tell me your thoughts




  1. its self explanatory- anti feminists are confused or down right dumb,unless they are basically rascists temperamentally so to speak

  2. wow "ricardox..." has NO IDEA what he is talking about!

  3. Not bad. I was actually surprised to see Larry David in that video. He's one of my favorite comedians.

    Anyway, yeah it basically just says feminism is just the belief that everyone should be treated as an equal human being, man or woman. Though unfortunately it's often hijacked by the radicals and they give it a bad name it.

  4. Nice video.

    Unfortunately is just propaganda. Propaganda videos have a long history, the n**i used very well. Making the German people believe that Hitler was a charming fellow and that prisoners where treated well. We all know what really happened.

    The video you shown, will appeal to the uninformed. But feminist actions speak a thousand times louder than their words. Things like VAWA and other unjust laws come to mind. As well as all the men hating literature and special privileges to women.

    More and more people are seeing this political movement for what they are. A movement that wants better conditions for women at the expense of unjust conditions for men. Is movement without dignity, as they ask for more and more privileges for one gender. Is a movement that make the government violate the constitution in the process. Is a movement that try to silence whoever do not agree with them.

    Until the day that todays feminist movement stop being in favor of injustice for men, they will never have my respect. Or for that, the respect of anyone capable of critical thinking. Nor will we be contempt.

  5. Great video. There is nothing wrong with feminism. I am proud to call myself a feminist.

  6. i as agree with ricardox as well.... this film shows only a select few of the feminist group. notice the way it was depicted that the group is for good only. a group is a group. if you want to speak for it then you have to speak the word of that group, the entire group, regardless of any disagreement.

    this is so hypocritical. they want equality but want this form of special treatment as proven in many other previous acts taken on by feminists. they want equality yet when they are given respect such as holding a door for them they take it that you see them as an un-equal.

    its like a r****d wanting equality and saying "dont give me these pills im just as human as you are" notice how the point is misconstrued . yes they are just as human but they are disabled to a degree.  .. oh but when he gets sick cuz no pills....its another story

    no im not saying women are retards im saying that they want so much equality that it comes to a situation where respect given to them is insulting because they feel that respect without a meaning would mean that its due to their gender.

    but then recall that they want respect and want equality.

    so their argument that they need more respect (which by the way they are already given respect, atleast in america) has implied that they arent getting enough respect as of right now. andd again whe the respect is increased they feel belittled.

  7. I agree with ricardoxantos.   That video is just pure propaganda.

  8. Yay, Larry David's a feminist (I KNEW it!). I love him.

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