
Tell me what you think please?!?

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When my husband and I first started dating and were married he wanted s*x all the time. When we were married for about 3 yrs he took a night job and s*x went down hill then after about another year he got a good job on the day shift and things got better. He is now on nights again but the s*x isnt really there anymore. I try to take into consideration that he is tired but he never wants it. The roles have reversed and I want it all the time and have many things I want him to do in the bedroom that he wont. I used to be pretty simple in the bedroom with him but I have been giving into all of his sexual desires with the exception of a threesome. He is always checking out other women right in front of me and even commenting about them.I am beginning to think its the end of our marriage. I just dont know what to think or do. I wont give into his fantasy for a threesome because would defintely end our marriage.




  1. I think that you guys should just talk it out, or go to a marriage counselor, your choice.  When you guys have the same days off, just spend some time together and rekindle the romance.

  2. Sounds like trouble ahead. Get it worked out. It won't fix itself. Good luck.

  3. sounds like he's being like most men and being self absorbed. and i said most, not all!!!

  4. Time to have a good, serious talk and set some limits around his behavior.  

    This link is to a blog that helps me significantly and has helped my marriage SO much.  I hope it helps you see that his behavior is not acceptable but there are ways to set limits and not give up complete hope until you have tried.

  5. I'd be bothered too.  Three's a crowd.  I definately think there's a red flag there. Counseling sounds like a good idea.

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