
Tell me whether ghosts are real?

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Tell me whether ghosts are real?




  1. If you see ghosts as: people having suffered a violent death and coming back to haunt people and eat up their soul.  Then yes,  for some people ghosts are all too real.

  2. ghosts are not believed to be real; theres no strong evidence

  3. I think it rather depends what your beliefs are...I don't believe in ghosts,but I do believe in demons...

  4. Depending on what your definition of a ghost is, I believe that there can be residual energies that make a place feel haunted.  Or it could be the energy you bring with you, in a spookily designed structure, that makes it feel haunted.  I've lived in a place where a guy killed himself.  Sometimes weird, unexplainable things would happen.  Not violent, just odd, like a light turning on, or an object moving somewhere else.  You may not see it happen, but you know from your own habits or recent memory what the status of your house or household items was.  And suddenly, with no one else around to move or touch anything, something changes.  My housemates actually witnessed a quarter launched across the room from the chest to the bed.  But no one was near it.

    The best way to deal with what you think might be a ghost, is to welcome that energy, and not be afraid of it.  Tell it that you're OK with it staying with you.  If you've ever had one of those times when you are sleeping, and it feels like you are paralyzed, don't be afraid.  Instead try to hug that presence in a comforting, accepting way.  It takes a lot of effort, but it will change the energy in your home.

  5. they sure are ;it's a sprite there here/we have flash or body,.are biggest thing for us is skin.. ghost (if that is what you want call them)

    there on a different plato ,and there are many..platos

  6. First off, it all depends on the person. Some people are skeptical, and some others are easily drawn to what they want to believe in.

    There has been a lot of footage containing EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon), thermal imaging footage, and EMFs. (electro magnetic field.)

    There are many different ways someone can tell if there is energy in the room other than having personal experiences. Ghosts are not people. They were people, but now they are just energy. Three examples of knowing are what I said before - EVPs, EMFs, and Thermal Imaging cameras, as well as regular recorders.

    EVPs are NOT heard by our own ears, it's audio recorded on the device. Investigators and "Ghost hunters" often use this when asking the ghost questions, such as "what is your name?" and "how did you die here?". Depending on the type of haunting - the ghost may or not respond. There are three types of hauntings - Residual, Intelligent, and Demonic/Inhuman. Questions can only be asked in Intelligent hauntings, because a residual haunting is when the ghost does not realize the humans are asking it a question, and is living in the year it died in.

    For example, I once heard a story of someone renovating a house, and a ghost walking through walls. The walls used to be doors before they had renovated the house.

    Demonic/Inhuman is when the ghost is rather hostile. Inhuman/Demonic ghosts have been known to throw people onto the floor, threaten, and slap.

    A electro magnetic field is what the energy of the ghost gives off - when the detector says the Field is 1.0 or higher, there is some kind of energy in the room. Despite these fields are given off by ghosts, they also are given off of wires and electronics/technology. If there is a high EMF in a room, it also can cause nausea and feeling like you're being watched.

    Thermal Imaging and recorders are often very helpful in the field of the paranormal - Thermal Imaging cameras are often used by firefighters as well. TMC's sense the amount of heat given off by items. Often on TMCs you can see figures running across the screen that not visible to the eye if it is a ghost.

    Regular cameras/recorders are helpful to capture orbs (which are often dust particles), apparitions, and certain events that you cannot be there for, and also is a solid piece of evidence that it has happened.  

  7. Yes they are real ive seen and felt there presence  

  8. i'm a ghost, always plagued to be unnoticed by those who i adore.

    anyways, i believe in ghosts, and my name's not "spooky" mulder

  9. yes then how do people describe their hauntings

  10. Probably not.  There's been no proof of any yet.

    (The same answer applies to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.)

  11. Absolutely not.

    Dead people has dead cells, they have dead cells in brain, muscles, and other organs, so if their brain cells were dead, they're dead too because their brain is dead and it only controls our body.

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