
Tell me whey people hate Mayweather but not Ali?

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If everybody hates Mayweather for his "big mouth" then why do people praise Ali? Ali had a big mouth too and he backed it up just like Mayweather. Since when is being confident new in boxing?? boxing has been going around for years and I know for a fact that there has been many fighters who were cocky as h**l.

and he backs up what he says so really guys idk where all the hate is coming from. if you think I am wrong justify your side by letting me know why you hate Mayweather.

In his fight against Hatton, Hatton was the one acting immature and disrespectful but bending over and hitting him over the ropes. his fans also showed no class but Mayweather still won the fight and gave Hatton his respects after the fight. So why was Mayweather the bad guy when Hatton showed no class in the fight?

-btw i think Cotto is afraid of Mayweather, if he wasnt then he would've called him out instead of fighting ALFONSO GOMEZ




  1. People seriously hated Ali until he fought a war against Frazier and got his butt kicked in the process.  Mayweather hasn't earned the "tough guy" label.  

    BTW, Ali's trash talk was funny and playful, Mayweather's is just trash.  Never once made me laugh, and I'm a connoisseur of fine trash talk.

  2. when hatton mayweather fought i wanted hatton to win.i didnt like a guy hattons loveable cos he jus a normal guy who dusnt flaunt what he got..but now am glad mayweather won.mayweather is a classic boxer, hes cocky and confident and ur right in what he said.this guy trained hard all his life.he came from nothin now hes got be honest ad probably be the way he conclusion i really like mayweather.hes a great boxer and trainings nothin to him.he super fit an deserves everythin hes got

  3. Ali is well-loved and respected in the boxing world. Ali had principles and he fought for what he believed in ... inside and outside the ring. He sure was "The Lip" but he backed everything up. He was a human rights fighter. He didn't like the war against Vietnam and was stripped of his title. He stood for what he believed is right...not because he was selfish and self-centered.

    Mayweather, although a good boxer will never be respected like Ali was. PBF stood only for himself. Until now, he's still blabbing his mouth because he did not get the much needed recognition as a boxer which will only inflate his ego.

    Although he stayed too long in the game, Ali fought everybody that stood  in his path to greatness.  Money was never an issue.!!! I say he's scared of Miguel Cotto...His legacy will always be tainted by avoiding Cotto. He's afraid to get beat by Cotto. He never fought the best in his era.

  4. Mayweather should not be mentioned in the same sentence as Ali. No real boxing fan would.

    Buuuut... Just to entertain your question Ali never ducked anybody.

  5. floyd lacks heart, thats all i can say its neva beeen tested, like ali's has

  6. Ali talked a lot of trash and backed it up against many HARD NOSE, TOUGH FIGHTERS! And Ali although he never showed it, respected his opponents in and out of the ring!  Mayweather for one hasnt fought anyone useful or remotely tough! Yeah Oscar De Lahoya, but in his prime Oscar would've killed him! And as for Hatton....he's way past his prime! Then that bumb goes and retires? Retire after you've challenged and beaten someone who wasn't 35-38 yrs. old, has been away for years and was rusty. If Mayweather does comeback, he;ll never be the same!

  7. Because Ali is the greatest of all time.

  8. People love Ali now but back then was a different story.... you have to remember that Ali being black and a muslim in the 60s and durning the black movement was not very Fan Friendly to white America... i Remember People wanting Patterson to beat Ali to show Christians are Better or Death Threats for Being involved with the Nation of Islam while all Mayweather had to deal with is a fight with his Dad... And in time Mayweather will get the same treatment and be thought of like Ali but Make NO mistake is a Very Bad Comparison... Ali Fought the best at all times and never avoided anyone even in His Twilight years when Holmes and Spinks really Whupped him...Mayweather has always gotten Props for having the Best Skills but his desire to actually fight is why no one is sad he is leaving but maybe you .... He is talented but When you consider at the time of his retirement The 147 pound division was at its strongest probably ever but Mayweather chose to fight Baldomir(instead of Margarito), Judah, and an Aging Delahoya instead of Cotto, Williams, Margarito(for 8 million), Cintron, Clottey or anyone else that would of put up a better fight says all i need to know ...and after beating Delahoya you would of thought Mayweather would try and unify the belts but instead chose once again to Fight the Smaller Hatton...And the trash talking doesnt even compare, yes they both talked alot but Alis trash talking was as skilled as his fighting where Mayweather is more like a playground Bitchh than anything else

  9. people hate mayweather because he is to cocky

  10. when he fought many disliked Ali for his trash talking but now we realize he was something special and he actually made his trash talking fun and made it like poetry.  With his famous quotes to his great rhymes mayweather just talks to get in his head psychologically but nobody likes it.  And ali fought all comers and never ducked ANYONE, and if he talks to much maybe he shouldnt wait for the challenger to talk but take on all comers like ali that is why ali is the greatest and mayweather is the best of this decade but not in the top 20 of the best ever.  And does every fighter have to talk their way into a fight, he should FIGHT their way to the fight and thats exactly what Cotto is doing, last time i heard when the bell rings u fight and that is all that should matter when getting a shot at the best.

  11. make no mistake.....people hated Ali during his prime, they hated his bragging and willingness to challenge racism,they hated the fact that he opposed the war and the draft and they hated the fact that he was undefeated, it wasn't until he got back from exile that people began to appreciate ali more, after he lost against frazier many thought he was done but then he came back to win against foreman and the rest is history....what i am trying to say is that people did not appreciate ali in his prime, he had to go through h**l before gaining acceptance and appreciation.....mayweather is cocky and smart but he is lucky enough to have been fighting in a time where he can get away with whatever he says,moreover ali was more creative with his trash talk, mayweather is just cocky but not always funny, and let us not forget that ali fought the best of his day and never avoided anyone mayweather for all of his boxing talent has not faced the best available competition, he only faced the ones that would bring him the most money....if he faced cotto and won there's no doubt in my mind that he would go down in history as an all time great.

  12. Ali fought everyone available and backed up what he boasted.  Mayweather did not fight the best guys available in his division.  Mayweather also disrespect Ray Robinson every and any time he opens his mouth saying he is the best all time.

  13. i dont know why mayweather gets this treatment.  he is a cocky a*****e but he backs it up in the ring

  14. I don't hate him.

  15. What are you talking about peopel HATED ALI...

    they wanted to kill that cocky black man...

    Only thing is ali took any fight, went through wars

    and was not afraid of losing.

    Mayweather says hes the best and wants to go down in history as a GREAT undefeated fighter

    but what good is your 0 if you dont fight anyone that will give you a tough a$$ fight??

    mayweather's retired and hes talking smack about

    pac man? WHATT?

    At least manny has been through wars and has fought the best in every divison hes been in

  16. hate is a strong word, and i dont hate no one... but as soon as mayweather starts takin his career a lil bit more seriously... then people may jus flow it him more... basically, its his attitude that tears his whole persona up. 75% of the time; ali's sh*t talk stood for a cause. he fought against the draft, and was locked up for not goin to veitnam. although ali was a trash talker he still took his career seriously...

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