
Tell me which yugioh cards to get rid of so I have 40 cards?

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Injection Fairy Lily

Marauding Captain

Moai Interceptor cannons


Sand Moth

Metal Armored Bug

Megarock Dragon x2


Man-Eater Bug

Goblin Attack Force


Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei

Giant Rat x3

Penguin Soldier

Guardian Sphinx

Medusa Worm

Emissary of the Afterlife

Exodd, Master of the Guard

Dummy Golem

Golem Sentry x2

Dark Driceratops

Exiled Force

Hane-Hane x2

Stone Statue of the Aztecs


Morphing jar #2

Muka Muka


Lightning Vortex


Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground x2

Swords of Revealing Light


Tribute to the Doomed

Magical Mallet

Brain Control

Axe of Despair

Black Illusion Ritual

Heavy Storm

Wave-Motion Cannon

Premature Burial

Sword of the Soul-Eater

Malevolent Nuzzler

Spring of Rebirth

Nobleman of Crossout


Fairy Box

Spellbinding Circle x2

Bottomless Trap Hole

Raigeki Break

Ordeal of a Traveler

Spell Shield Type-8 x2

Magic Jammer

Solemn Wishes

D.D. Trap Hole

Trap Jammer

Magical Thorn

Robbin' Goblin




  1. -dd trap hole

    -fairy box

    -2spellbinding circle

    -raigeki break

    -magic jammer

    -trap jammer

    traps = 7

    -malevolent nuzzler

    -sword of soul eater

    -black illusion ritual

    -axe of despair

    -tribute to the doomed

    -magical mallet



    -muka muka

    -morphing jar 2

    -dark driceritops

    -emmisary of the afterlife


    -metal armored bug

    -maurding captain

    -goblin attack force


    -indomitable fighter lei lei

    -dummy golem

    mons = 21

    total = 40

    makes your deck alot better but if you want it even better start from the beggining and try to go for a bit of a more solid strategy

  2. Get rid of (in monsters) 1 giant rat

    sand moth

    1 mega rock dragon u only need 1

    i dont c relinquised such a a good card

    man eater bug

    1 smashing ground

    black illusion ritual

    metal armored bug

    ahh c**p i dont even know how many cards u even have left well ur deck should be more of the rock type like u have exxod master guardian and all these good rock type monsters i say u ditch the other ones and just make a good rock or sand watever its called type deck becuz i mean add a switch attack and defense card forgot its name and u can switch exodds attack and defense so he will have 4000 attack and zero defense that should be ur finishing card

  3. *rofl* This is a very simple question:

    You have many weak monsters that will do nothing for you if someone destroys your spring of rebirth. You might also want to develop a clear strategy because just having a bunch of good cards may not work against a good strategist without good cards. After a good strategy is developed, you can throw out the ones that do not go with your plan.  

    Please realize three things:

    1. A deck is allowed to have over 40 cards.

    2. You can't do much if all you have is life points but nothing to protect them.

    3. I did not even look at the list of cards. If you want better help, you may want to put up attack and defense points as well as effects and stars.

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