
Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are- Why does this apply to everyone but Obama?

by  |  earlier

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Have any of you hung out with a terrorists? Radical commies? Racists? I haven't, but then again, I don't put up with racism and people who bad mouth America. I would hope the possible future American president wouldn't either.




  1. You are right.

    The fact that Obama served on a board with a person with a shady past completely trumps the fact that McCain is an ACTUAL member of the Keating 5 of corrupt businessmen.

  2. The media has already anointed him as the President.  They have decided it's time for the first real black President, and they know the American people are just stupid enough and uneducated enough to go along with whatever they put before us.  Now they're talking about his six-pack and wondering if he's too attractive to be President?  I guess if he doesn't get elected, he could always make p**n.  The American people would be enthralled.  If this guy gets elected, it only proves how asleep we all are.

  3. I make friends with everyone.. killers , rapists ,and even presidents. good friend of bush.. hope I am not judge by these smash holes. especially bush  

  4. McCain associates with racists and religious psychos, how about that?

    Of course, by your reasoning, you would have been there driving the nails into Jesus Christ's hands.

  5. How intellectual. I am boredd

  6. good observation ...ur sharp

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