
Tell me why alice is a good name for a new baby ? I have my doubts but please educate me thanks?

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the wife wants to call the new baby alice , but I am not totally convinced that this is the right name for a baby in this day and age ...




  1. your wife might like the name alice now but she could change her mind when the baby is born.and if she still likes alice, it not bad as far as names go its sweet.

  2. I don't care for the name really.  However paired with a great middle name you might be able to swing it.  There are so many beautiful traditional names out there I would keep looking if I were you.  

  3. Well, i think its cute. And the way i think of the name Alice, its the same name of the main character in 'Alice in Wonderland'. And that story/movie is filled with such dreams and fantasy that maybe your daughter will soon grow up to believe in herself, and follow her heart.

    And [not to be rude or anything but] who cares if the name Alice is "not right for a baby in this day and age". It shouldnt matter what the world thinks of your baby's name, its up to you the parents that should give your baby girl a name that will show her true characteristics when she grows older.

    But like i said, it shouldnt matter what the world thinks you name your baby. That was just my opinion, so i hope i helped a bit. Good luck (:

  4. personally i think it's a beautiful pretty name, like alice in wonderland.

    I really like the name, its not very common either.

  5. i love it. my best mates name is alice, i call her al ally and allieekatt. its a cute name. if you dont like it its not what your baby should be called

  6. I like it. It isnt too common these days, but still very pretty and classic. The best thing to do when you dont like her idea is to either come up with something else or compromise. Dont just say, "no i dont like it."  You can compromise by chosing a name like Alison, Alicia, Alissa or Alex...Or by naming her Alice and calling her Ali. Or maybe you can think of the middle name or make Alice the middle name.

  7. Sure, how cute would a little girl nicknamed Ally be?? I was going to be called Alice but it would have sounded silly with my surname. I think it suits her already!

  8. positive: Alice is short and simple.  It's actually not too common in little children lately.

    negative: it could be a bit "homely"

    positives out the negative though

  9. Alice

          means: of nobility

    popular name in Sweden

    Germanic  &  Old French

  10. Alice is nice. It gives the child a choice to have a girly name, but if they didn't like it themselves, then they could shorten it to Aly/Ali etc.

    But if you're not too keen on it - why not keep suggesting names until one clicks with the both of you, as theres probably hundreds of names out there she has forgotten about so not even considered!

    Good luck

  11. How about Allison or Alissa for a compromise? They are similar but more modern sounding. Alice sounds old to me. It also reminds me of that book, Go Ask Alice.

  12. i personally hate the name alice, idk why.

    but when you name babies/pets

    if you get to know their personality, its really easy to choose a name for them that suits :)

    hth x

  13. Wish I hadn't started reading this thread - I'm called Alice!

    I don't really come across a lot of people with the same name so I don't find that it is common. I agree it is a liitle old fashioned but I do like it (however at school I was called Alice in Wonderland and Alice Cooper - neither of which are great!)

    I agree that you have to choose the right middle name to go with it. Mine is Juliet (because I was born in July - french for July is Juillet) but something unusual like Elana would work nicely and give it a bit more of an edge.

    By the way - Alice in old French means "noble" - not common at all!!

  14. It's a traditional name. That's about as much convincing as I can do because I really dislike the name. As others have said, find a compromise.

  15. Alice is a good name because not many girls are named Alice in this day and age.  Alice in Wonderland is a trippy story. :)  She could be nicknamed Ali.  

  16. My husband grandma was name Alice

    I really never like the name

    I like Allison better than Alice

    Both you cal use Allie as a nickname

    Alice is a form of Aliz

    it means noble kind, of the noble sort

    It's french

    Form of Alice

    Alicia, Alison, Alyce, Aylse, Alisi

  17. I think it's a beautiful name. It has a pretty sound and it means "noble."

    You may think it sounds too old-fashioned, but it's really rather cutting edge, I think. I bet there will be a lot more little Alices born this year and the years following.

    If I met a little girl named Alice, I would assume her parents are intelligent, educated, and had good taste.  

  18. Alice is sweet.But someone may call her Alice In Wonderland.

  19. It's kind of common and old fashioned sounding, no offense. In 40 years it might sound a little like "Gertrude" or "Helga" or "Phyllis" or "Mildred" sounds today, they're kind of grandma names. Also, why give her a name that so many other people have? You could maybe use it as a middle name. I agree with you though, in an age where lots of kids have cool, unique sounding names, Alice is a little dated! I feel the same way about Marie as a middle name, or Jennifer or Emily. What's the point? There are tons of girls with that name!

    Misty is my name and I love it! It's different and almost nobody has my name! As a kid I was always told "What a pretty name!" while other girls with mundane names might be able to find stickers with their names on them, they usually know lots of other girls with that name too! I have trouble finding things with my name on it BUT really that's the only complaint I have ever had about having a unique name. I had friends with common names who always said how "lucky" I was to have something original. Just my thoughts here, either way good luck to your new baby, your wife and you! Try to get something you both agree on though.

  20. It's awful when one of you has your heart set on a name and the other doesn't like it at all. My husband & I have gone through this on both our children and eventually agreed!

    Maybe you could compromise and call her Alicia, slightly more modern and still in keeping with Alice?

  21. Alice is lovely - but it's very cutesy. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. You should choose a middle name to go along with it that way you also feel like you are involved in naming the baby. A nice middle name could make a huge difference to how you feel about the name. Or if you are still totally convinced that Alice isn't a good name then why not ask your wife to choose a similar sounding alternative - Alysia is nice. :-)

  22. It's not. Too plain. How about Alyssa?

  23. I don't think anything is wrong with Alice..the new trends in baby names is the old fashion types...and also Ali is a cute nickname for alice. And who cares what anyone else thinks this is your daughter it not really anything too extreme  

  24. Alice is a very old name originated from Greek. It means trustworthy or truthful. So there is that. Alice is a pretty name I think. Its simple, which a name should be. Its not out of date or really popular. I see no problem at all with it.  

  25. It's a pretty name, but not too girly if she turns out to be a tomboy as she can then call herself 'Ali'.  It's also not tht popular at the moment so she won't have lots of people at school with the same name.

    I think it's a great name for a little girl nowadays.

  26. I had a friend in high school named Alice (I graduated 2001), and it was a nice change from the Allison's that was popular than.  it was a normal and common name that you don't hear everyday.  if you still have your doubts, see if your wife will compromise on Allison.

  27. It's a nice name. It's common but not too common. It's been in the top 400 baby girl names for the past 100 years in the USA, so it's very classic and timeless. Plus, she can use the nickname Allie or Al. Both of which could be considered more modern than Alice.

    Alice is perfect!! Good luck with your child.

    PS... Alice is very popular (top 50 names+) in Europe!

  28. yea s***w that..

    in this new modern world you need a hott s**y name that will envoke respect while keeping it fun.

    something sizzling

    like Victoria




    mayube im just a tad crazy

  29. i think it is really cute. you get to name your baby something unique because it is a somewhat underused name without having to name it something extreme and er, made up.  

  30. It's adorable in my opinion and I totally think you should go with what your wife says.  I really don't care for trendy names, therefore I adore classical names.  And don't just think of her as baby Alice, think of her as an 8-year-old girl named Alice and a teenager named Alice and a working woman named Alice and eventually an elderly woman named Alice.  Maybe it's not right for a baby, but she's not a baby forever you know.

    I am personally a huge fan of the name.

  31. I love the name Alice!! It's one of my favourite names ever! I think you should name the baby that because, first of all, it sounds good and probably will with any surname. Second, it's a classic name and it's a refreshing change from all the Ashlyn/Brooke/Taylor names that are so popular today; but it's still well-used. I have an Alice in my class and she likes her name as well. And also, you can always give her a middle name that you like more and if you want you can use it in later life.

    Quite long, hope I helped! :)

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