
Tell me why you wear flip flops on a motorcycle?

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Have you ever seen this before? A man riding on a harley looking all big and band and he's wearing flip-flops? Hello! What are they thinking? you have to protect your feet! You don't wear flip-flops while driving a motorcycle! Other than stupidity I can't figure out why someone would do that!




  1. my legs are so white they can see them from space... i don't do flip flops

  2. Actually, I seen the rear passenger on sportsbikes do this quite a bit.

    I wouldn't even consider it.

    I wear steel toed engineer boots, myself.

  3. it is against the law to wear flip flops while you are riding a motorcycle that goes for all states cause if you got in accident you could get your legs cut off are any thing could happen to you dont be a dork in wear flip flops that is just plain stupid to do any thing like ever

    if you like seeing you own body parts laying all over the road knock your self out we were going to see my sister 1 day about 10 years ago and the re were 2 motorcycles that had crashed and when we were going by 1 rider was cut and half in half her foot and the other leg and arm were on top of some body hood of there car cause the stupid riders of both bikes were going about 65 in a 30 in they all died

  4. It's called evolution, the stupid must die...........

    If people want to kill and hurt themselves- let them.

    I guess that guy doesn't care much about his feet......... dumb.

  5. better yet why do kids on sport bikes where a T shirt, shorts,sandals,and bother to wear a full face helmet?

  6. Great point, next time tell him or try counting his toes he is probably missing one by now.  

  7. you have 2 b a complete idiot for wearing flip flops on a motorcycle.. it is like asking to lose a foot - seriously.

  8. I don't do it too often, only when my old lady complains about my toe nails being too long and making a clicking sound when I walk. Then I'll run it up to about 80 and drag the nails for half a mile!

  9. That's just retarded. I hope he has a hand shifter on that thing. I would think up shifting would be painful after a while.

  10. Anyone who does not wear proper gear. (helmet optional, crazy i know)

    Does not have respect for there motorcycle or the sport of motorcycling. As we all know, we all go down sooner or later. If these people are wearing sandle's short's ect.

    I'll guarntee they'll only make that mistake once

  11. Comfort?

    Lol ive seen people come to the supermarket in their PJays.

    Its not a law so I dont think he HAS to, its a risk he is willing to take.

    As stupid as it may be.

  12. I never do ,but I have seen many idiots doing it on sport bikes as well as Harley's  


  14. beats me why somebody with ANY motorcycle* would not protect themselves like that.

    Myself, I NEVER ride in shorts, and I always use gloves, a helmet and my jacket. However, I have been guilty of wearing shoes in the past, however I learned to correct myself

  15. Never done it, I think I had a pair of flip flops once while on a beach.  I agree it is dumb for many reasons.  

  16. well ya no its not the smartest thing but i do ride a ktm with sandals sometimes....i will only do that for like 5mins....but ya its just stupid

  17. I don't.  That's just plain silly.

  18. asked and answered... really, really stupid.

  19. I see a lot of dumb riding behavior where I am.  I live in North Carolina and we have strict helmet laws, well sort of.  The strict rules apply to the type of helmet but not to how you wear the helmet.  It can be half-hanging off of your head, unstrapped and it is not illegal and I see that often.

    I see a lot of shorts, t-shirts, regular shoes flying down the highway or zipping around town.  Actually, where I am, I see as many sport -bike riders as cruiser riders (not just harley but the whole lot of cruisers) wearing t-shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes; that or just plain clothes that will protect you from nothing.

    I do believe in personal preference and I can not force someone to do what they want.  Me personally, I also believe is protecting as much of your self as possible.  I have heard of people surviving, pretty well, at highway speeds, but because they had on gear.  You may get broken up, but your head is important and getting skinned by the road only adds to your complications.

    I never liked the whole "if you crash at 60 MPH, you're gonna be really messed up or dead anyway".  Well, that may be true, but if you do live, you want as few injuries to deal with as possible.  So ride with all the gear you have all the time.

    d**n flip-flops.  I'd like flip-flop that person upside their head for being stupid.

  20. I cant see wearing flip flops, but then again, you will see me with tennis shoes on quite often, The guy is just out enjoying his ride,Its his ride, his life and his choice, On a real hot day you will see me in jeans and a tee shirt if I am riding locally. I would just hate to see him get hit by someone talking on there cell phone!

    But I will ALWAYS wear my helmet nowadays.

    When I was younger and lived outside Denver, you had counties in the Rockies that you did not have to wear a helmet and I have to say it is a natural high to be able to take some off the main road,  a paved pretty deserted road riding in the valleys, just puttering 30 or so MPH with no helmet is an experience you will always remember, It is an amazing feeling, you didn’t have to go fast to get any rush, just putter on thru and enjoy the amazing view, but this was 25 years ago.

  21. Because I hate my feet and I want to grind them off! ;-)

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