
Tell me wverything you know concerning Australia and its involvement with the United Nations.?

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Please provide as much detailed information as you can... info about "Doc" Evatt, peackeeping missions, involvement in various other countires- like East Timor.

Please also provide a link to where you gathered the info from, but do not only provide a link, info has to be in your answer or you will not receive best answer.




  1. you want to know so badly then research it yourself it really does not interest  me for one

  2. Australia involment with the UN is good  but not Australian involment with the USA aggresion against Irak or other wars.

    Peace is better and thats the UN goal.

  3. Dr Herbert Vere Evatt (1894-1965) was one of Australia's most influential Labor leaders. As a lawyer, author, High Court Judge, Attorney General and Minister for External Affairs (now called Foreign Affairs) in the Curtin and Chifley Governments, and a Leader of the Opposition during the 1950s, Dr Evatt was a man who realised some of the labour movment's highest ideals. He was one of the great innovators of the movement, influencing Australian government policies and programs for a generation. His uncompromising stand for just principles in public life will always be remembered, as will his innovative spirit.

    See the Evatt Foundation website below.

  4. Would you like fries with that?

  5. Ok, I can't give you any sources, but Wikipedia and some online Labor party and federal govt. things can tell you the same as this basic info:

    Doc Evatt was a high up Aussie Labor party member, sent by us to help hammer out the UN after world war two. Many of the democratic features of the UN are down to him, but he eventually had to cave on giving the US veto power in the Security Council, because the US threatened to pull out, He also helped frame the UDHR. Doc may have for a short time been opposition leader, i'm not sure, but he always felt passed over within the party, and felt he should have been PM. He's still revered in Labor and international law circles.

    As for involvment in UN actions, off the top of my head we've been in Korea, Namibia, Cambodia, East Timor, Afghanistan, and submitted people to the Iraqi disarmament commission thingy - headed at one stage by an Aussie, Richard Butler. Neither Iraq wars gained official UN sanction.

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