
Tell me your deepest darkest secret!?

by Guest60786  |  earlier

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  1. i climbed up the mountain and danced to hashish music

    and than a bird came over and told me to make a wish

    so i said make a latter and i got a 2 step latter and i was stuck on

    the top of the mountain with 2 step latter

    (not the big one to get down from the mountain)

  2. i had a g*y crush when i was 13. then i worked out there weren't any girls around so I could only like a boy. so i don't feel ashamed. but I still don't forgive him for rubbing up against me once in a class. i thought he was cute (once again, I didn't know any girls, and was really after s*x), but I didn't realise that he thought I was cute, and I felt so sick after he did that to me. so, a dark secret can be redeemed after all.

  3. I've dreamt of killing my pet lemming for years.  That lil freak drove me insane.

  4. Too risky :S

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