
Tell me your (dog) love story?

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Long, but fun to read. :)

I was just going down to the Pet-Smart to get some Hamster and more dog food, when I noticed they were having one of their big adoption sales, the pups were all rescues. That's when I saw her.

The most cutest pup out of the bunch there. Her name was Destiny, I had to have her. I talked my parents into letting me get her, I took about two hours. She was 180.00$, but worth it. I changed her name to Daisy. She loved my dog I already had, Trojan. They stuck like glue together. I love them all so much, she also met my hamster, Squeakers. She was 2 and a half months, when I rescued her from the shelter. She had a brother and a sister with her, Faith and Samson, but I liked her best. Faith was too hyper and barked too much, Samson didn't look too fun (he was really quiet), but Daisy came up to us and sat on our lap and slept. Adorable! I loved her on sight. She is now 7 months, and I am still in love with her. :)

Trojan is 5 yrs, I love him!

I got her neutered, Trojan isn't spayed, so at first he tried to "get with her," but after a three days, he stopped trying. She'd actually get mad when he tried.

You go girl! Independent she is. :)

We might get Trojan fixed, but my dad and uncle don't want to.

They think he will lose his "man-ness"

It's a macho thing.

We will get him spayed, eventually.

So, we all are a big happy family.

Tell me your dog stories now! I'd love to hear them. :)




  1. I first saw him on line when I was researching Chinese Crested dogs. I was looking at the want ads for dogs for sale. they had a picture of him and I looked but i didn't want him at the time. A month went by and the ad was still there so I looked again. i sent a e-mail to the owner just out of curiosity and she still had him.I e-mailed her a few more times and then we drove for 2 hours to get him. He is a Chinese Crested mix named Fugly. He joined his two sisters(chihuahuas)and a brother (mini.schnauzer)and 3 cats. 3 kids to.

  2. You gave me a huge memories. I remember when I was 6 or 7 one of my friends moved away because they got kicked out of there rent and all they left was a poor little pregenet golden retreiver in front of there house. My mom said know to keep her because it belonged to my friend. But I didn't care. I let the dog into the house and it started walking and sniffing at things. It was the first time I saw the dog wag the tail so fast. My parents tried to take it out, but she didn't. All she did was tuck on there cloths. Finally they gave up. And I . . . lived happily ever after with my dog, goldsee  

  3. im tellling you i sometimes       read my dog some maakebelieve stories  

  4. Oh wow, which one?

    I'll just go with the very most recent one.

    I had a call from an Indiana humane society about a male pit who was desperate for a home and wanted to know if I could take him in. He's ten months old, and he'd already begun his "training" for fighting. According to them, he was found in a metal box with soiled newspaper to lay on, tick-filled water, raw and maggot infested meat, and he was absolutely filthy and covered in what looked like blood.

    So, of course, I made the three hour drive out this morning at 2am to see the little guy, and all at once I fell in love with him. He wasn't the typical dog that I rescue, he was at the front of his cage, tail wagging, tongue hanging out and as happy as can be.

    We took him out into the yard to test his aggression and other issues, used the bite stick and checked everything, and he actually checked out fine. The only issues he needs to work through is cringing away from people when they move too fast, and his minor food aggression (but who can blame him in those conditions?!)

    I took him home at once. He sat in the passenger seat with his paw on the window and his nose stuck out the window. He's now sleeping in his crate, completely comfortable and confident.

    I can't wait to find this guy a great home next year!

  5. I found my little boy, Baccardi is what I renamed him he was named Pierre, on and he is the sweetest little boy ever.  He is now about 21 months old and is such a little lover.  I adopted him back in May and as soon as he saw me he jumped into the chair at his foster mother's that I sit down in and started giving me kisses!  No matter what he wants he will give me kisses.  He also taught himself when he was with his foster mother before he was adoptable, to do what we call Begging Pretty.  He is a miniature poodle mix and him standing on his hind legs and putting his front paws together and moving them up and down 3 times seems to be a poodle thing and he is a major ladies man.

  6. I found a stray alsation and took it in after taking it to the vets and they said it wasn't chipped. The next day was my birthday and my mum got me an alsation puppy and of course my mum knew nothing about the dog i found and i couldn't turn her down or act strange because i hadb't told her yet. Even though i was living in her house. (hehe)

    Anyway after mum found out it was time for the truth. Could the two dogs get along, the pup mum bought was female and the vets said my one was a female two and i wasn't sure how they would re-act. They got on amazingly well keeping each other occupied in there silly dog ways. About eleven months later i walked in from work at about 3pm and found 4 just born puppies on the floor. I turned out the stray alsation was a boy and they both ended up getting well you know..

    True story i swear...

  7. Well one day I went to the pet store, and looked at the puppies.  There was this adorable male german shepherd puppy for sale!  I knew my dad loved german shepherds since he had some growing up, so he was talked into buying the pup right away.  But my mom thought that they were attack dogs and didn't want one.  So eventually my dad persuaded her.  He cost 500$  His name is Max, and he's very very big.  He weighs more than me (I think he weighs 115 lbs)  but anyway he's a great dog.  He enjoys playing with our neighbor's dog Russel.  They are best doggy friends! :)  It's soooo cute!  Max listens to everything I say and he loves everyone in my family.

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